Wednesday, September 7, 2022

"If we can make people who are born in 1994 to have children, we can change South Korea's future in 100 years"

 A Professor at Seoul National University's Graduate School of Health, Cho Youngtae, said in an interview that people born in 1994 are the key to solving the population problem in South Korea. There were 720,000 people born in 1994, which is far more than three times as many as now. Professor Cho believes that the number of children people born in 1994 have will determine the population problem in South Korea. 

> Why people born in 1994?

There were an estimated 600,000 babies born from parents who were born in 1988-1990 now. The proportion of girls is low because boys are more preferred. Even if there were people from that age population who didn't have children, the number of birth will still go low as much as 200,000. However, as we all know, 720,000 people were born in 1994. 330,000 of them are women. This means the number of babies they give birth to in the span of 3 to 5 years will be the beginning of solving the population problem in South Korea. 

They're seeing us as livestock. If society was good, we would have children even if they told us not to. We don't get married and have children because society is not worth living 
-It has always been tough for the people. It seems to me you're just using society as an excuse. Do you think society was good back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s? Would you really still have children even if you were told not to, if society was good? People are far more selfish than you think. In fact, if society was better than it is now, you would not have children. Why do you think Finland has low birthrate despite their high happiness index? On the opposite, why do you think underdeveloped countries like the ones in Africa have high birthrates? Do you think it's really because of society?

-As a person who was born in 1994, this article makes me not to want children even more~

-Nope! You have done nothing to us. People like you only see women as child-maker.

-I don't have a job or house. The only thing I have is my college degree. How can I get married and have children?

-It gives me goosebumps to see people seeing women as child-maker...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Wow... This will probably get even worse in the futureㅋㅋㅋ Who would give birth in this kind of society? 

-Maybe I would have children if this country was worth living in. 

-What's the point of having children? They all will only become slaves in the end.

-I think the comments here are enough to explain why the marriage and birthrate in this country are lowㅋㅋㅋ People who were born in 1960 to 1990 lived in the generation where you could buy a house if you work. It's totally different from the current conditionㅋㅋㅋ

-I don't want to have children and make them suffer just to satisfy your needs.

-As a person who was born in 1994, I will never have children~~

-I don't even want to get married... Why are you expecting me to have children?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I don't even dateㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why are you expecting me to have childrenㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

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