Monday, August 15, 2022

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SNSD's MV Director apologizes for plagiarism

Hello. This is the director of SNSD's Forever1 M/V, Shin Hui-won. 

First of all, I would like to apologize to SNSD's members and SM Entertainment for having troubled them with the set's design in Forever1 M/V.

I was involved in the planning, directing, and even in the smallest props on the set. I am very ashamed and apologetic for using the design with no permission. 

I searched logo designs for the parade set for the 15th anniversary and found a lot of references. After finding the image that I thought suited (the concept), I applied it to the set without checking the source. 

Today, I confirmed that the logo was used by Disney Japan for its 15th anniversary. I would like to apologize for not doing thorough research and confirming the set's design. 

I will make sure to do my research and check thoroughly through every aspect of my next project so that this would not happen again. 

Lastly, I would sincerely apologize once again to everyone who had been harmed because of my mistake, SNSD's members, SM Entertainment, and all of the fans who enjoyed watching the MV.


-Seriously... It's their precious 15th anniversary... It's upsetting

-Seems like he doesn't understand the meaning of reference... That's not a reference but plagiarism.

-Reference?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ There's 'Disney' written clearly on the logo. How could he not notice that in the first place?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-This is pissing me off...

-Well, it's totally clear that they're plagiarising so they don't have any other option but to apologize...

-?? You're using a reference just as it is, without changing it at all?? Are you really a professional??? Even amateurs don't make mistakes like that...

-A professional using a reference just as it is...? For commercial use...?? Even I, who knows nothing about design, know that you shouldn't use the reference just as it is...

-What... Doesn't this mean that SM Ent is also a victim? Why is everyone blaming it on SM?

-How many times has SM plagiarised Disney...?

-I feel like he's only apologizing because it's DIsneyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I bet no one would've said a thing if he plagiarized a design from a small company. But Disney...?ㅋㅋㅋ

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