
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Do pretty girls really not have male friends?

 My friend is so pretty, she said she can not be friends with the guys because even if she wants to, they will always end up liking or confessing to her


1. [+125][-3] Don't guys always end up confessing to girls, even if the girls only want to befriend them?

2. [+101][-3] Even if they do have male friends, all those guys are just lining up to confess to herㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+41][-2] This is trueㅋㅋㅋ If you're pretty, you can not have male friends. If you ask why, it's because the guys always see them as something more than just friendㅋㅋㅋ One way to check if you're pretty or not is to pay attention to how guys behave when you're aroundㅋㅋㅋ Guys see ugly girls as living creatures, not more or less than that. No matter how often you hang out with them, the relationship between them is going nowhereㅋㅋㅋ On the other hand, they will try to make time to hang out with you if you're pretty. After that, they'll find the perfect time to confess to you. 

4. [+25][-1] Even if you're not pretty, there are a lot of guys who think you're into them just because you're close to them and treat them nicely

5. [+22][-0] I don't know but my friend always say things like this. They'll all eventually end up confessing their feelings to herㅋㅋ
