
Tuesday, December 7, 2021


IU is suspicious


IU's songs are very sweet lately. This is clear evidence that she's in a relationship.

Not only on Pann, the best comments on Theqoo, Instiz, and Melon are also saying the same thing.

'Is she in a relationship lately? Her songs are very sweet'

Who do you think she's dating?


1. [+578][-21] Not only her songs sound so sweet. Her aura, as seen in her latest interviews, is very full of love just like someone who is in a relationship. IU writes her own lyrics and Strawberry Moon is seriously so much sweeter than any other songs she has ever written previously.

2. [+430][-1] IU is already in her 30s now, I think her fans wouldn't mind it (if she dates)

3. [+374][-7] I'm not making up things, but even the best comment in her Melon section is like this. Everyone feels the same thing. 

4. [+367][-96] She got back together with Jang Kiha

5. [+338][-167] The sight of IU and Jungkook together makes my heart flutter...ㅠㅠ
