Wednesday, October 13, 2021

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Taeyong in SNL is shockingㅋㅋ

 Hey, Taeyong-ah. You really should act. You're so f*cking good at it. 


1. [+323][-4] He's so freaking handsome

2. [+282][-5] I really want to die

3. [+273][-5] I literally stopped f*cking breathing during this scene. My heart skipped a f*cking beatㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+109][-0] Whoa...

5. [+104][-103] Make this the recommended comment pleaseㅋㅋ

[Taeyong acts as a boyfriend who's great at flirting on SNL today]

Rose fragrance, Chanel No.5, the smell of your skin...

-I didn't expect him to be this good at acting. He took me by surprise. 

-He's surprisingly very good at things like thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-He's good at acting, even more than I expectedㅋㅋㅋ And I think I don't have anything to say about his face. He looks handsome like always.

-I really want to see Taeyong as an actor. He's so much better than I thought!!!

-If he studies acting a little bit more I think he could be a great actor...

-Oh Gosh... There's seriously nothing that he can't do...

-He really suits that hairstyle. He looks so freaking handsome.

-He'd make a great actorㅋㅋㅋ He looks very natural in those scenes...

-Even his voice is handsome...

-I'm currently re-watching this episode and I hope he'd start actingㅋㅋㅋ He really suits this hairstyle. He has always been handsome, but he looks even more handsome with that hair.

-What does he expect me to do if he's that sexy... with that face...ㅠㅠㅠ

-Look at his gaze???? My heart just skipped a beat...

-I think he'd make a great actor if he practices a little bit more... He's already good at it even now, I'm very surprised. 

-I like his face

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