
Monday, March 16, 2020

I've cried listening to this song VS Why would I cry because of this song?

To My Youth - Bolbbalgan4

Upvote if you've cried listening to this song because you can totally relate to the lyrics
Downvote if you don't understand why people cry listening to this song and you think they're exaggerating things


1. [+36][-1] I've never cried listening to this song, but I can totally see why people cry because of it...

2. [+10][-0] If you just casually listen to it, it means nothing. But if you read the lyrics carefully, it's really sad. Especially the ones that say, 'My mom and dad, they're only looking at me'. Fuck, it's like a cry button for me.

3. [+9][-0] Even Jiyoung cries when she sings this song

4. [+3][-0] I've never actually cried because of this song, but it makes me all teary and sad...

5. [+2][-0] This song was released when I was in 10th grade, I was in my lowest point and I had no friends. After school, I would listen to this song and walk home while crying my heart out. This song reminds me of back then, it still makes me cry. I had a really hard time because of those two-faced bitches who talk about me behind my back. 