Tuesday, March 6, 2018

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The collaboration between Taeyeon and Banilla Co is totally the work of God

She's shooting for the best CF she would ever have in her life..


1. [+66][-24] She's so f*cking pretty..

2. [+62][-23] A Goddess..

3. [+56][-22] So freaking prettyㅠㅠ

4. [+52][-29] I personally think Song Jihyo suited Banilla Co. more than Taeyeon, while Taeyeon suits something like Nature Republic more than Banilla Co.. Something 'innocent' and 'pure'..?

5. [+45][-6] For Taeyeon, it's Banilla Co. and for Yoona, it's Innisfree.. Their images suit those brands so much..

6. [+39][-4] She looks beautiful no matter what brand is she working for but Nature Republic is.. (loss of words). Taengoo is so prettyㅠㅠ

7. [+35][-23] I personally think Song Jihyo suited Banilla Co. more than Taeyon..

8. [+35][-5] Nature Republic didn't know how to make a good use of Taeyeon's existence..

9. [+31][-6] Her face is basically the work of God..

10. [+27][-6] Whoa.. She's so freaking pretty, she even looks good in those kind of glasses..

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