Thursday, May 18, 2017

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The idol who was mistaken as a normal citizen and got blurred in pictures with his group

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
'The incident where Onew got his face blurred by reporters!'

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
'The reporter mistook Onew as a normal citizen and blurred his face in the pictures they took'

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
'The other members' faces weren't blurred, I was the only one whose face got blurred in those pictures'

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
'Our fans personally contacted that reporter, and in the end, they edited the post and unblurred my face'

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
(copying the fans) 'That's SHINee's Onew..ㅠㅠ'

But there's a reason behind that, it's because Onew is not interested in such thing as airport fashion.

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
'Anyone can tell the guys in the right side are idols'

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
'The title of this picture is: Lee Jinki, a lucky fan who gets to go on a vacation to Paris with SHINee'
SHINee's fans made that title for funㅋㅋㅋㅋ

And after the whole incident happened, the reporter posted this on his blog

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
Last September, SHINee went to Taiwan to perform. The airport was really crowded with fans. After finishing up my work, I went home and one of my colleagues called me. He told me I blurred SHINee's Onew's faces in the pictures I posted, and that the fans would contact me as soon as possible, so I kept that in mind. 

It was true, when I checked my email, it was full with lots of emails from SHINee's fans. Getting emails from idols' fans was nothing new for me, but I usually just read them and never replied to any. 

Long story short, I edited the post I uploaded earlier and replied to every single emails I received. I apologized to SHINee's fans through emails. Did I really have to do that? Compared to any other emails from idols' fans that I have ever gotten, so far, SHINee's fans are the most polite and respectful ones. Because they know that if they don't behave well, it will affect their idols' images. And I thought that they were considerate, and that's a really nice thing to do. And I always keep this in mind, that I should respect anyone who respects me. 

일반인인줄 알고 모자이크 당한 아이돌 | 인스티즈
They even uploaded a post to thank me for editing those pictures in an online community..ㅋㅋ
This whole incident shows me how good SHINee's are taking care of his fans. 
Anyway, to SHINee's Onew.. I'm sorry for not recognizing you~^^

And since then Onew started to put some effort on his airport fashion.

-Such a heart-warming post to readㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The last sentence, though..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The way SHINee's fans handle this incident is so cool..ㅠㅠㅠ

-I personally think Onew looked cute with those kind of casual clothes, thoughㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-He experienced the same thing, not too long ago..ㅠㅠ

-It's really cute how he started to put some effort on his airport fashion after that incident happenedㅠㅠ

-Ah.. I thought I would see Sunggyu in this postㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

-It must be surprising for him to see his face blurred in his group pictures..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-As expected from Shawol..

-He's such a cutie..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-How could anyone mistake Onew as a normal citizen. He has the visual of a celebrityㅠㅠㅠ

-I also noticed that he started to put some effort on his aiport fashion after that incident happenedㅋㅋㅋ He's so cute..

-I respect Shawol for asking the reporter to edit that post in a respectful and polite mannerㅠㅠㅠ Not every fandom can do that..

-I've heard him talking about this whole incident in a radio showㅋㅋㅋ Jinki is so full of charms, he's literally the best!

-As expected from Shawol, the fandom full of angels.. 

-I like how Shawols don't act all childish and rude when they handle this incident..

-Happy ending..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It was very strange to see Jinki started to put some effort on his airport fashion, but he still looks handsome and cute nonetheless!

-SHINee's fans are so cool..

-Shawols are so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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