The hashtag used was #KimSaeronCouple...
The account stopped being active in 2020. The location is said to be the apartment where Kim Saeron lived when she was a minor.
-I'm not interested in Kim Soohyun, so I can't tell if it's him just by looking at the photo. However, I'm sure his fans would recognize him.
-I think this should be reported to Garo Sero Research Institute...
-It's obvious that those are Kim Soohyun's ears.
-Why does he look so much like Kim Soohyun?
-I think we just need to find a picture of Kim Soohyun wearing those shoes.
-The more I see it, the more I feel sorry for Saeron....
-I don’t think it’s Kim Soohyun...
-Hul... Kim Soohyun is f*cked.
-Whoa... This is a very decisive evidenceㅎㅎ
-This is undeniable. China is really helping a lot this time. It's very reliable of themㅎㅎ
-Otherwise, why would he hide?
-That looks like the padding jacket that Kim Soohyun wears in the picture that Garo Sero Research Institute revealed.
-This is literally criminal evidence.
-Anyone can tell it's Kim Soohyunㅋㅋㅋ
-ㅋㅋㅋ There's still so many more things about Kim Soohyun to dig up in the future.