Friday, February 14, 2025

NJZ_PR (NJZ' PR Account) issues a statement on Instagram: "Plans to take strong legal action against TenAsia"


We are writing to inform you that the contents of the exclusive article written by TenAsia's reporter Lee Minkyung, titled: 'NJZ joined hands with BANA', are completely false.

NJZ has not signed any contract or held any discussions with BANA. The article claims to be based on 'testimony from multiple industry insiders,' but this is an absurd falsehood. It seems like another attempt to stir controversy without verifying facts with the parties involved, including BANA.

We plan to file a complaint with the Press Arbitration Commission and pursue strong legal action against TenAsia for repeatedly spreading false information without fact-checking. In the past, they have repeatedly published completely baseless rumors as if it were a fact, leading to numerous follow-up articles and causing severe mental distress to the members and many related parties.

We hope that TenAsia’s reporter Lee Minkyung will take full legal responsibility for spreading false information. We apologize for the disturbance this evening before the weekend. We wish you a peaceful evening.


-Haboong-ie, you son of a b*tch.

-Whoa... Just sue them already. These trashy reporters are already crossing the line by sharing Hanni's visa information.

-Goodbye, Minkyung-ah.

-I never trusted anything TenAsia said in the first place anyway. I hope TenAsia goes bankrupt.

-I really hope TenAsia gets the karma they deserve.

-I don't believe anything from TenAsiaㅋㅋㅋ

-TenAsia and Dispatch are always problematicㅋ

-Who even trusts TenAsia?

-Does she really think HYBE will protect her after writing that? No way. In the end, she'll face the consequences alone.

-They always write nonsense... Tsk tsk.

-TenAsia is a truly trash newspaper.

-TenAsia should be shut down. Especially Choi Jiye, that person is also terrible.

-Wow... NJZ really needs to sue them. They keep spreading completely false rumors.

-Tenboongi should just change their name to Haboong-sia.

-TenAsia totally deserved to get sued.

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