Sunday, November 24, 2024

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This edited gif of Winter and Ahn Yujin receives positive reactions



-Artemis (Ahn Yujin) vs Athena (Winter)

-This gif looks like a scene from a movieㅋㅋ

-I saw the GIF on a trending post and thought it would be awesome if it was edited together, and it really is.

-Hul... This is crazy. I demand collaboration.

-They look like Athena and Artemis.

-Goddesses... This is insaneㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-This is so good. I hope they do a collab!

-Female idols are the best....

-Women are... insane...

-Now this is what I'm talking about.

-Insane. Look at their posture.

-I knew this would be cool, but it’s even cooler than I expected.

-Wow, this is crazy.

-Wow, this is so f*cking cool... Personally, I think it would be even more awesome without the lightning effects.

-Winter from another multiverse and Ahn Yujin protecting her world.

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