Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Lee Jehoon saying, “Who would like someone like me?”


It's very shocking to hear the words “Who would like someone like me?” come out of Lee Jehoon’s mouth... 

"I can't handle alcohol, all I do on dates is watch movies. Who would like someone like me? Other than talking about movies or music that I like, I don't really have much to day." Lee Jehoon says this with a shy smile, just like Seungmin from 'Architecture 101.' Ah, he's a fool who only knows acting.

-Be my mother's son-in-law.


-My mom would like him.

-I like men who don't drink.

-Me!!!! Honestly, movies and music are the only thin I talk about as well... Finding someone who can have conversation with you with those two topics is harder than I expectedㅠㅠ

-Let's talk about movies with me.

-Me. Please. Me. It has to be me.

-Excuse me, please don't underestimate yourself, okay?! There'd be lines of people wanting to date you. I would be the first one in the line.

-Me!! Me!!! The problem is that you don't like me backㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-That's exactly my ideal type, though?ㅋㅋ

-Why can't you be objective...???

-Ah... He's such a fool.

-Is this guy kidding?...ㅠㅜ ㅜㅜㅜ

-Oppa, I'll quit drinking.

-Oppaㅜ You need to be more self-aware...

-I'm a VVIP member of CGV.

-He has no self-awareness at all...

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