Sunday, November 17, 2024


Choreographer Choi Youngjun's reaction upon meeting a contestant he trained on 'Produce X' 5 years ago on a different survival show now


You guys keep appearing on audition programs. You guys are exactly at the 'Audition Programs' level. You did well at that level. I think that is one of the reasons why you're here now. But coincidentally, you're probably the best at this level. No need to be caught up in that. Don't get too caught up in that. If you do, we're gonna meet again soon.

He met Lee Hangyul, who he trained on Produce X five years ago, again on another survival show after 5 years.

(Actually, they've already known each other since before Produce X. However, they're meeting again as a judge and a participant in 2024...)



-Lee Hangyul is on another survival show??

-Don't do that to Hangyul...

-Just because you're talented, doesn't mean you'll rise to the top...

-But it's not like he goes on another survival show because he wants to...

-Didn't Lee Hangyul participate in another survival show after Produce X?ㅠㅠㅠ He and his team were actually good... His agency is the problem here.

-I don't think he should be saying that to Hangyul, though...

-That is so mean...

-Just because you're talented, it doesn't mean you can rise to the top. Besides, it's not like he goes on another survival show because he wants to...

-I mean... There's nothing he can do if his agency keeps telling him to go on survival shows. What can he do? That's the only schedule his agency sets up for himㅠㅠ

-ㅠㅠ I'm the one who's upset to hear this...

-Well, it's his agency who keeps sending him to survival shows. F*ckㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-I remember how happy Youngjun Ssaem when Hangyul made it to the final debut lineup in the last episode of Produce Xㅠ

-You can't rely solely on talent in this industry...

-But that's not the case with Hangyul...ㅠㅠ

-Huh? Why is Hangyul there????

-This has nothing to do with talent... Hangyul is back on another survival show not because he's not talented...

-Kwangsoo-ya, please...

-I hope Hangyul will terminate his contract if his agency keeps sending him to survival shows...ㅜㅜ He's very talentedㅜㅜ

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