Monday, September 16, 2024


RIIZE Wonbin cried at the fan concert until his eyes, nose, and lips all turned red


BRIIZE, how was it today? Did you enjoy it? Thank you. Thank you so much for coming. I also want to thank BRIIZE who are watching online.

Yesterday, my parents came and we had a talk. I came to Seoul from Ulsan, I was a nobody who came to such a flashy place with tall buildings, and now... so many people came to see me and RIIZE. There are also people watching from Beyond Live. As I perform every day, it's possible for me to forget how truly grateful I am for this, even for a split second. Therefore, I want to express my gratitude again here.

Ah... I feel like I became an F after meeting BRIIZE. (🪨 "Were you originally a T?" 🎸 "I was T, yes." 🪨 "Wonbin seems a bit of both." 🎸 "I’m F, but only for BRIIZE.")

Over the past four months, we traveled the world, and the members all worked so hard. I’m sure it was exhausting, but when I see them dancing and singing next to me on stage, I know they’re giving their all. I think we were all united in our efforts on stage, and seeing the members gave me so much strength. We made many wonderful memories together.

And this time, we performed with the dancers, which made the stage even more impressive and full. I don’t know if the dancers are listening, but thank you so, so much.

And lastly, I want to thank our BRIIZE once again. You know how much we adore, love, and appreciate you, right? You haven’t forgotten our promise, right? Our promise to stay together for a long time. Even though today is the last concert, there’s no need to feel sad, because we’ll continue to appear in front of you often. Today was so much fun. Thank you so much. 


-Sorry to say this... but could you cry more often?

-The tears of a handsome man are beautiful.

-An angel is cryingㅠㅠ

-He even speaks as beautiful as he looks. I think we need to live together.

-The tears of a handsome man are precious...

-How can he looks beautiful even when he's crying? Honestly, I'm surprised.

-Wonbin really has a great mindset.

-I can feel his sincerityㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-The tears of a handsome man...

-Why does his crying look so beautiful and sacred...

-Cry more... I like it.

-A true prince.

-Even the way he cries is beautiful.

-So pure and beautiful.

-I’m falling for him more every day.

-Wonbin-ahㅜ I love youㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Why is he crying??

-He really did cry a lot...

-Handsome men should cry.

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