Friday, May 3, 2024

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Actor Lee Seohan Posts an Indecent Video Filmed at Bang Yedam's Studi -> Deactivates His Account Afterwards?

by Reporter Yoo Hyeji

Controversy arises as rookie actor Lee Seohan posted and deleted a video that was suspected to be filmed illegally. 

On the 2nd, Lee Seohan posted a video on his Instagram that was believed to be filmed at Bang Yedam's studio. The video reportedly captures a scene of sexual activity between a man and a woman. Lee Seohan deleted the video about an hour after posting it. The location in the video is speculated to be Bang Yedam's studio. Currently, Lee Seohan's post is spreading across the internet. As the controversy escalates, Lee Seohan has deactivated his Instagram account. 


-Huh? Bang Yedam?

-Shouldn't this be investigated by the police?

-Did he do this for attention?

-If it's pornography, shouldn't this be investigated?


-He called it 'just a joke between friends'?? What nonsense

-A joke between friends?? But in the video, it's a man and a woman engaging in sexual intercourse.

-Is he crazy? He filmed this kind of video and called it a joke? He's a criminal.

-Huh...? Did an actor really post a video of sexual intercourse on their public account...?

-Wow, he just brushed it off as a joke. He must really have no sense if he posted it without realizing the problem.

Putting it up where everyone can see it and calling it a joke is crazy.

-Shouldn't Bang Yedam also issue a statement?

-????? So, this is a hidden camera footage of sexual intercourse, right? Why would he even have this footage in the first place? Was he planning to upload it to a private account but mistakenly uploaded it to the main one? That's even weirder. Is he out of his mind?

-The fact that the video was up for at least an hour...

-Huh, this is too strange.

-What kind of nonsense is this..?? It's not something that can be resolved with an apology letter

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