Tuesday, April 9, 2024

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'Stop Hiding Like a Rat' NCT Renjun Shares the Kakao Talk Message He Receives from a Sasaeng ... What's Happening?

 NCT DREAM member Renjun has revealed a message he received from a sasaeng fan.

On the 7th, Renjun preserved a KakaoTalk message he received from a sasaeng fan through Bubble.

According to this, the sasaeng told Renjun, "Idols have it too easy. They make money as they please, rely on their looks for everything, date freely, their lives are like a joke, and their performances lack skill. They're just lazy. Get rid of your phone again," and made disrespectful remarks.

In response, Renjun passed on the contact information of his lawyer, saying, "If you have something to say, say it to my face instead of hiding like a rat. Contact this person if you have something to say."

Later on, Renjun responded through Bubble, saying, "Idols are human too. They feel tired. Are you judging us based on this ridiculous schedule we have? Of course, what's shown should be beautiful. That's how we all gain energy together."

He continued, "If you pursue your dreams diligently, money will follow eventually. Are there jobs in this world that don't earn money? Let's live our lives properly. Don't bother people who don't matter, don't waste time, and if you have time, learn to calm your mind and be patient. Don't vent your anger on irrelevant people."

Netizens who came across this responded with various reactions such as "How annoying must that sasaeng have been," "I'd be furious if I received such a KakaoTalk message," "Renjun is kind and clever."

However, some criticized Renjun's actions, saying, "I don't understand why he publicly shared the KakaoTalk message he received from a sasaeng fan where fans are present," "Should've quietly taken legal action. Why get into a fight with fans?" "What's wrong with the fans? Is Bubble a place for emotional trash?" "Too emotional. What did subscribing fans do wrong?" "Why lecture on Bubble?"

-The people asking why he sent that to Bubble probably think they're so smart.

-Wow... It must've been really stressful for him... The crazy sasaengs are beyond imagination...

-Catch those sasaengs and sue them...

-Renjun did nothing wrong, stop criticizing him.

-'Why on Bubble...'? Those who say that probably don't even know what Bubble is. If you don't know, just shut up and go. What, do you think it's a place where only true fans gather and write fan letters?

-And honestly, he said it politely. If I were him, even swearing in that situation would be insufficient. 

-Are the people getting upset about this even normal?

-What's wrong with public execution of sasaengs?

-If sasaengs send messages like that, it's understandable to get angry. Imagine you've been working hard and open KakaoTalk to see something like that, it must really drain your energy.

-Why tolerate sasaengs? They're criminals...

-How many things do idols go through that we don't know about... Their mental strength is impressive.

-Idols are also humans... They can't even vent to someone they don't know out of the blue? Just like you would curse and empathize with friends when something bad happens, they can also talk to fans about upsetting things that happen to them.

-How stressed must he have been to post that..

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