Saturday, August 5, 2023

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The male idol whose copyright was violated by his company

 The Boyz's Kevin (IST Division 1)

He sent emojis on his Bubble between 8/4~8/5

Some Intl fans interpreted his messages:

Passion Fruit: A side-track from his upcoming album
PLACE PASSION CREDS = Please put my credits for Passion Fruit

His name wasn't mentioned anywhere in the credits for Passion Fruit

The messages he sent on Bubble a few hours before sending the emojis (8/4)

Glad it made its way around and made people laugh lol
Tru y'all better watermark/sign your art
Don't let other people take away your creativity so easily
Take care of your creative property yall
Tbh got so much to unpack on that topic LOL
Hush they're watching👀
Next sub/ject
Just doing my best to be grateful for what I have. I feel like my coping mechanism is to keep the frustration down to write a song about it later down the road hahhahhhaa
There is no such thing as a meaningless hardship!
I believe everything will be helpful to my future self
Day by day! One at a time! Steadily!

Previously, he has been left out of the credits of the lyrics he wrote

The lyrics of 36.5
The only light that I need is from the crescent moon beneath your nose
(The Korean lyrics)
To be honest, you didn't pay too much attention because the lyrics are in English, right?
Yeah, I wrote that

-? Didn't the company credit the other members for their work?? Why did they only leave out this member?

-Why are they acting like that?? What kind of company does that??

-But why?? Wouldn't it benefit the group more if the company gives him his credits?

-If this is true, I can't imagine how upsetting it must be for him...

-Really?? They give credits to Sunwoo but not him? But why??

-He must be really upset...

-I looked up the lyrics for 36.5 and he wrote around 4 lines of the lyrics...?? And yet he wasn't properly given any credits for his work??

-Shouldn't the company give him credits if he wrote a line, or even a word, for the lyrics?? This is crossing the lines

-The company should've paid him for a long time ago. He took a part in designing the group's album and merchandises as well.

-But why??? Wouldn't that be the selling point??

-It's not like the company will suffer a loss from giving him credits...

-Looks like the company doesn't want to share royalty fees with him...

-What the hell is wrong with his company?

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