
Thursday, July 20, 2023

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Tony Leung stars in New Jeans' latest MV


-That's crazy???

-Tony Leung... That's really shocking


-I was freaking shocked when Tony Leung suddenly appears...

-I literally gasped when Tony Leung appears... I wonder what kind of role he portrays in this MV

-Hul... That was Tony Leung???

-Wow... This is really fascinating...

-???? How did they get Tony Leung to star in this MV?

-He looks so f*cking handsome...

-Who is Tony Leung?

-Is this even real???? Unbelievable...

-That's really cool...

-His appearance is very short, yet also very impactful... It's kinda difficult to interpret the MV...

-It's really great to finally see him after a long timeㅋㅋㅋ He still looks the sameㅋㅋㅋ

-What's the meaning behind the MV?

-Not V?

-Whoa... Jung Hoyeon is also starring in this MV?
