Tuesday, November 15, 2022

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Shuhua unexpectedly has a sexy body

Shuhua does look innocent too, but don't you think she's one of the sexiest female idols? I have selected some pictures that are as less Hannam-ish as possible. I don't mean this in a bad way, but doesn't Shuhua have a really nice body? It's not muscular, but its f*cking well balanced. I saw the videos of her twerking and she looks both cute and sexy at the same time



1. [+132][-47] I hope the eyes of Hannams who search for Shuhua's pictures after seeing this post will explode...

2. [+117][-29] You're right, it's just that she rarely wears exposing clothes. I saw her wearing a crop top on a radio show before and I noticed she has a beautiful waist and pelvis, she also has a glamorous body. She has an innocent look, not to mention that her face looks prettier without makeup. She is the type of idol who gets a lot of hate in female-dominated sites but a lot of fans in male-dominated sites. 

3. [+83][-8] She has a freaking small torso, but a prominent waist and pelvis, and that's what makes her body line look pretty

4. [+58][-6] She has a light skin tone, a curvy waist, a small torso, and a glamorous body. I have been too busy paying attention to her face all this time. I saw her with a crop tee and I have to admit that she has a really beautiful body. I have to admit that she's really pretty.

5. [+57][-7] What's with the downvotes? Shuhua would like it if she was called sexy. She even said it herself, that her image is 'sexy'. I think she'd be happy if we call her sexy. I think the point of this post is praising her nice body and I don't see any sexual harassment remarks in it.

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