Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Honestly, I don't understand Transgenders

 F*ck that, they're men if they have penises and they're women if they don't. I don't understand men who feel like they're women at heart. What kind of nonsense is that? I mean... Transgenders dress up and do makeup more than real women. I can't say this out loud so I'm writing it here. 


1. [+264][-20] I can understand gay and lesbian, but not transgenders. I mean, why do men want to be women? Just so they can do makeup? Just so they can wear high heels? What about men who do makeup and wear high heels? What does that make them? Women?

2. [+211][-13] I don't understand them eitherㅋㅋㅋㅋ They talk about how women shouldn't be forced to wear makeup, how skirts are usually cheaper than other clothings. And then they go under the knife to remove their penises. It's just funny how they want to become women just so they can do makeup.

3. [+154][-16] I just don't understand transgenders, lesbians, and gay people at all. 

4. [+138][-4] Why do a lot of transwomen work in pubs or bars? I mean, not all of them. But you know how real women tend to avoid working in pubs or bars, right? I just feel like a lot of transwomen work there... I mean, there's a stereotype for women who work there... 

5. [+118][-32] I agree with your opinion, but I don't really want to hate themㅠㅠㅠ They're dating Korean men instead of us and I'm really grateful for that... Transwomen <3 Korean men, I hope they'll last forever<3

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