Wednesday, May 18, 2022

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The Kakaotalk conversation between Jang Wonyoung and Leeseo becomes in talk for sounding uncomfortable


LS: Unnieng~~>.< Finally, we're going to Germany tomorrow💗 Whoa🥰 I'm very excited, I can't wait>.<

WY: Whoa😆💕 My first roommate, Hyunseo. I look forward to it🫶

LS: Yahoo💗 Me too, Unnie>.< I can't believe you're my roommate, I'm already excited to think about it☺️

WY: Anyhow, the time for the two of us to watch Crayon Shinchan together has come, Hyunseo-yaㅋㅋㅋ

LS: ㅋㅋㅋㅋI guess so>.< Let's watch the movie version of it😆

WY: Let's watch a movie in the evening and have fun together><ㅎㅎ

LS: That sounds good❤️

WY: Is there anything you want to eat?

LS: For me~~ I think anything will taste good if I eat it with you🥰

WY: Then I, as an Unnie who knows good food, will take care of it for you😎 You trust me right, Leeseo-ya?

LS: If you say so, I trust you>.<😎

WY: You have to eat Schweinshaxe if you go to Germany

LS: Oh Gosh, what is that?

WY: Just trust me, I'll take care of our Hyunseo

LS: That sounds good>.< I will follow your lead because you're trustworthy and heart-warming

WY: Then we'll eat that~~ Watch Crayon Shinchan~~ Have a nice sleep~~ Perform coolly and then return back to South Korea☺️

LS: That sounds absolutely perfect😆 I'm really happy that you're my roommate🤍

WY: Me too, me too🤍 We're going to Germany tomorrow, so I guess we'll have to sleep now

LS: Okay🤍

WY: Let's meet in our dream, my cutie Hyunseo💛💛

LS: Good night to you too, Unnie 💤🤍

Upvote if you think they're awkward with each other

Downvote if you think they're comfortable with each other, just like real friends



1. [+63][-1] Would you send something like 'Let's f*cking get some tteokbokki', or 'I'll kill XXX' if you know beforehand that your conversation is going to be revealed to public?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+57][-1] Their conversations have been revealed for content before, I'm sure they're aware of it that's why they talk like that. I don't think they're uncomfortable with each otherㅋㅋ If they were, it would've been obvious when they filmed the reality show~~ I mean, these pretty girls are getting alone just fineㅠㅠ

3. [+46][-4] There's always some ugly ass people who try to bring them down when these pretty girls are in fact getting along just fineㅋㅋ You don't have any friends, what would you know about friendship?

4. [+9][-1] I wouldn't say they're on bad terms, they're just awkward with each other

5. [+8][-0] If Pann users think they're uncomfortable with each other, then they are uncomfortable with each other~

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