
Monday, April 1, 2019

The one thing that gets divided opinions among fans of romance movies/dramas

The second male lead characters are supposed to like the female lead characters until the very end


The second male lead characters are supposed to find and like a whole new person

로맨스물 좋아하는 사람들에게서 극명하게 갈리는 것 중 하나 | 인스티즈
로맨스물 좋아하는 사람들에게서 극명하게 갈리는 것 중 하나 | 인스티즈

-#2.. It breaks my heart if they maintain their feelings to the female lead characters until the very end..

-?? Isn't that the whole point of watching romance movies/dramas? To see the second male lead characters suffering..?? I say it's #1 with no doubt..

-If it's a fantasy-romance then I'd say #1, but if it's a realistic-romance then I'd say #2..

-Rather than finding a new person, I like it better when the second male leads get over the female lead and live well..

-#1.. I watch romance movies/dramas to see the second male lead characters suffering..

-#2.. Please don't ruin the main couple's relationship..

-Uhh... I don't care, it's actually all up to them..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I'm fine with either story line..

-I just hope for romance movies/dramas to not have any second male lead characters.. So that it won't be hard to end the story line..

-#2.. I feel bad for the second male lead charactersㅠㅠ

-#1.. Or maybe it would've been better if they appeared as sub-couple, rather than second lead characters..

-#1.. I'm really sorry, but that's what I like..

-#1.. I somehow feel upset and betrayed when they get over the female lead charactersㅠㅠ