Thursday, July 20, 2017


Kim Samuel's successful fan, CEO Brave Brothers

'#KimSamuel #Bravpunxh #Unedited #MyBrat #BodyProportions #Amazing #Brave
Gain some strength after seeing this picture. August is coming soon.
I'm going to work really hard, I'll make sure I will make him a superstar'

'Samuel #KimSamuel #Samuel #KimSamuel #Surprise #CrazyRight #HisFace #IsTotally #CrazyRight #TheStrongest #VisualEver'

The #Hashtags are cringy but it proves that he's #really Samuel's lover

'#Samuel #KimSamuel #Samuel #KimSamuel #AlbumCover #Brave
August 2nd, 4.00PM KST. Samuel's mini album.
To the reporters and fans, please give a lot of love for Samuel's showcase'

The fastest account to give updates about #Samuel

'#Samuel #KimSamuel #SideBack #TheMainCharacter #OfThisPicture #IsMe #Samuel #KimSamuel #EveryoneThinksThisIsNotMyInstagram #ThatsWhy Not too long ago, we spent 7 hours in Tokyo to find some outfits for Samuel to wear for a shooting in Japan. Everyone around us thought we were father and son'

#ProofThatTheCEOisASuccessfulFan #7Hours of Shopping together
#Romantic #ReallyJealous


1. [+111][-0] People around them must've thought they were father and son, even though they don't look like each other..

2. [+106][-2] The CEO is a big fan of Samuel..ㅋㅋㅋ And also a successful fan on top of that..

3. [+59][-0] It's nice to know that Samuel is receiving a lot of love from his company<3<3

4. [+49][-0] The CEO brought him to his company just because he looked cute.. But turns out he's also very good at both dancing and rapping, he's good at English, he's handsome, kind, and also hard-working. The CEO must feel like he just won a lotto or something.. If I was the CEO, I would've adored Samuel like my own son as well..

5. [+46][-0] He looks very handsome in this picture.. I unconsciously saved it into my gallery..

6. [+43][-0] Just imagine how happy Brave Brothers is to spend 7 hours of shopping with him..

7. [+42][-0] So cute..ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

8. [+38][-1] I'm jealous of his CEO.. He gets to make an eyecontact with Samuel like this every day..

9. [+37][-1] The visual that everyone wants to show off..!

10. [+36][-0] Someone used to say that this picture looks like an emotional movie about an abandoned kid and a middle aged man who helps him..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I remember laughing out loud when I read that caption..ㅋㅋ

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