Monday, January 16, 2017


The legendary stages of each member in IOI in their PD101 days

1: Jeon Somi - Into The New World

2: Kim Sejeong - Irony
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

3: Choi Yoojung - Bang Bang
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

4. Kim Chungha - Give Me Some
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

5. Kim Sohye - Full Moon
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

6. Zhou Jieqiong - Full Moon
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

7. Jung Chaeyeon - Into The New World
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

8. Kim Doyeon - La Cha Ta
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

9. Kang Mina - When she eats
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

10. Im Nayoung - Fingertips
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

11. Yoo Yeonjung - Into The New World
아이오아이 맴버별 프로듀스101 레전드.jpg | 인스티즈

-Somi's Yum Yum stage was great as well..

-Hul.. What the-- Why does Mina look so cute when she chews her food like that?ㅠㅠㅠ

-I agree but I think Kim Doyeon's legendary stage is In The Same Place and Mina's is Say My Name..

-Chungha was amazing during Bang Bang stage too..ㅠㅠ Mina is such a cutie..

-I personally think In The Same Place is Doyeon's legendary stage..!!

-'When she eats' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-For Somi, it's actually Yum Yum and Bang Bang..

-Yeonjung was really amazing during Into The New World stage..

-Kang Mina is so freaking cuteㅋㅋㅋ

-Mina..ㅋㅋㅋ I personally think her legendary stage is Say My Name..

-Nayoung's legendary stage is Say My Name too..ㅠㅠ

-I love Doyeon's La Cha Ta stage..

-Mina is so cute..ㅠㅠ I want to look cute like her..ㅠㅠ

-I agree.. All of the stages listed in this post are my favorite..

-I personally like Somi during Yum Yum stage more than Into The New World..!

-Mina looked so cute when the staffs did a prank on her..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Why are you being so mean to Minaㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-God-Chungha.. And look at how cute Mina looks in that gif..ㅠㅠ

-Somi's Yum Yum = A human vitamin

-I love Chungha especially when she dances..ㅠㅠ

-I wonder how many times have I watched Yoojung's Bang Bang fancam.. I'm sure I repeated the video quite a lot..

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