Monday, September 26, 2016


Male idols kissing each other

-???Are they really kissing each other??
  -They're just playing Pepero Game..

-Who are those guys??

-They're just playing Pepero Game.. though..

-It's not disgusting but the angle.... *is flustered*.. Their hardcore fans must be really happy to see that..

-They're just playing Pepero Game^^ A game is just a game, don't misunderstand, please^^

-Who are the name of the guys in the first picture..? I'm having a heart attack right now..
  -It's Seungkwan and S.Coups!
  -Thanks.. Uh.. I couldn't recognize S.Coups in that picture.. He's really handsome..


-I'm so mad..

-Oh.. I like it..

-They're not kissing, they're just playing Pepero Game..

-It's somehow so heart-fluttering to see them playing that game..

-The title is so controversial, it could lead to misunderstandings.. And also, they're not kissing but just playing Pepero Game..

-I'm afraid there would be some people who misunderstand, so let me just explain it here: They're just playing a game, they're not kissing each other..

-It's such a good sight to see good-looking kids sticking with another bunch of good-looking kids.. 


-Why does Pledis keep telling them to do things like this..

-Aren't they just playing Pepero game..?

-Pe!!Pe!!Ro!!Ga!!Me!! Please don't misunderstand..8^8

-Can someone tell me who's who? 
  -Seungkwan-Scoups, Dokyeom-Jeonghan, Joshua-Jeonghan..

-Seventeen is not the only group who plays this game, though..


-Hul.. Why are they kissing each other?

-Why are they kissing each other? Are they playing a game?

-They're being so passionate in this gameㅋㅋㅋ

-My precious kids..

-Why is this post still here?

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