-The song sounds good.
-Am I the only one who likes this song? It sounds so catchy and good. I'm really looking forward to it.
-The song is goodㅋㅋㅋ I couldn't predict the choreography when I only listened to the song, but the choreography is also well done
-It feels like the dance and the song are disconnected...ㅋㅋㅋ The song is a bit dull, I wonder if there's a part that stands out later...
-Oh, it’s good. By the way, the members dance really well.
-The concept photos were really good, so I was expecting something like 'Crazy'ㅠ
-Oh... I like the old-school vibe. I wish they showed the full song here.
-Why does the song feel so familiar...???? By the way, Chaewon dances so well.
-I don't know about the fans, but I actually like the choreography more than the song?!!
-This song seems like something Kwangsoo would like
-Why did their song style suddenly change so much...?
-Whose voice is it?
-I’m not sure about the choreography, but the song is really good. It sounds like an old song.
-This sounds like a side-track. Is this the title track?
-I'm so excited for this💙