-He's a f*cking crazy bastard.
-Look at how young Saeron looks in that picture.... Sigh....
-Just admit it all and retire before they reveal moreㅠ Pleaseㅠ I'm sure this must be really painful for the late Kim Saeronㅠㅜㅠㅠ
-I hope karma bites him in the ass.
-How can he love so shamelessly after driving a young girl to death? He's a monsterㅠㅠ
-He's truly the worst. I don't even know what he's saying in the letter;;; He's so f*cking bad with words.
-Whoa.... This is legendary.
-Yeah. They dated for 6 years. No way there wouldn't be evidence.
-Whoa... The more it gets revealed, the more chilling it gets.
-I want to throw up...
-Why didn't he go to her funeral then?
-Leaving everything else aside... How can he do that to such a young girl after dating her for 6 years...? He didn't even go to her funeral. He's a piece of trash.
-Crazy bastard...... My hands are shaking from anger.......
-Send him to jail.
-This is so, so sad and frustratingㅠㅠ