Saturday, February 8, 2025

The fan who asked Choo Youngwoo to unfollow camgirls on Instagram has revealed the original DM

(NB: I've translated the previous post here ->

The fan blurred out the DM she sent in 2021, but it seems like the other fans harassed her to reveal the original DM.


I blurred the message because I was so embarrassed to have liked someone like that, to the point that I sent him such a message. Why do you keep harassing me?ㅠㅠ


Youngwoo, hello:)

I'm a fan who recently discovered you and have been following you since then!

I happened to notice that you are following a lot of female models and BJs on Instagram...! There are even some who you just recently started following.

I understand that they could simply be your acquaintances...

But I'm worried that this might cause unnecessary misunderstandings or issues since everyone can see your Instagram and your following listㅠㅠ

Especially since there have been many cases where celebrities faced backlash due to the people they follow or subscribe...!

Given that 'Police University' is currently airing and you'll soon be starring in 'Schoo 2021', your follower count and fans are going to increase.

I'm concerned that this might negatively impact your imageㅠㅠ

I'm just saying this purely out of concern as a fan, so I hope you don't take it the wrong way.

I will continue to support and wish you success, Actor Choo Youngwoo!


-She seems to be a true fan who was genuinely worried.

-She was a rea fanㅜㅜ She was so polite about it.

-Why are people harassing this fan....?ㅜ

-She was genuinely worried that it might cause a controversy...

-She couldn't have been more polite... She's a true fan.

-Ah... That fan did nothing wrong... But it’s frustrating that they had to be so careful and considerate just to say thisㅠ And he ended up making the same mistake again…ㅠ

-If she wasn't a real fan, she wouldn't have cared about something like this.

-Such a typical Hannam behavior.

-She's a real fan... He didn't even listen.

-She really did send that DM out of genuine concernㅠㅠ

-Even after all that, he still didn't listen? Hul.

-Hul... She's so kind..

-She's definitely a true fan. So kindㅠ She worded it so carefully.

-Didn't he unfollow like 30 people after this? It's just that he followed some moreㅋㅋㅋ

-That fan did nothing wrong.

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