Despite surpassing a 10% viewer rating, 'Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born' still experienced loss. Initially, a total production cost of 336 Billion KRWwas agreed upon with Studio Dragon, but the production costs skyrocketed due to extensive efforts to focus on the historical scenes.
The main character, Kim Taeri, received over 300 M KRW per episode. Similar to the fee Kim Soohyun received when he starred in 'Queen of Tears. While actresses usually earn less than actors, Kim Taeri earned her pay through her popularity. Her agency, Management mmm, also played a part in the production from the planning stage.
Although the drama was simultaneously released on Disney+, the 12-episode format and historical genre made it less profitable. While CJ ENM and Studio Dragon officials claimed to have recovered the production costs, rumors in the industry suggested otherwise. It's also rumored that Disney+ suffered significant losses due to this drama. With MBC filing a lawsuit against the production company, the losses are expected to increase.
It seems that even high viewer ratings can't cover the high production costs for TV dramas...
-Given this situation, it makes sense why episode counts are decreasing.
-Why not just reduce actors' fees?
-Can’t they cut down the actors' fees?ㅠㅠㅠ
-300 M KRW per episode? That's crazy.
-Unless all the actors agree to lower their salaries, the quality of dramas will gradually decline and eventually lead to the failure of the Korean drama industry.
-Kim Taeri alone took 10% of the total production cost? Whoa...
-300 M KRW per episode?? Is this confirmed?
-They should’ve at least made a good ending then. It's funny how they expected success when they ruined the original work.
-I'm glad I didn't watch it.
-The Korean drama industry is going to collapse because of the skyrocketing production costs caused by actors fees...
-Kim Taeri and Kim Soohyun are earning 300 M KRW per episode? That's too much. No wonder they're losing money.
-That's a lot of money... Is her acting even worth 300 M KRW per episode?
-If Kim Taeri was too expensive for them, they shouldn’t have cast her in the first place... This deficit could've been avoided...