
Friday, May 31, 2024

A journalist criticizing Min Heejin for giving long answers


How can a journalist interrupt someone speaking at a press conference and say, 'Please keep your answers short and take more questions'? That's really funny;; It's not like Min Heejin limits the question she would respond to, but they criticized her for giving long answersㅋㅋㅋ


-Who is that reporter!

-Isn't it good for journalists if there's a lot to report from a press conference?

-If she's so busy, let's just not invite her next time.

-Ironically, that journalist is the one who is talking longer.

-If it were me, I might have emotionally responded by saying, "If you're short on time, please leave first." Min Heejin is really amazing to be able to respond to that journalist with a smile.

-That journalist seems to not realize that she's the reason why it's taking longerㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-But in the midst of that, Min Heejin's ability to not give in was impressive.

-People like that shouldn't even be allowed into press conferences.

-Instead of whining, she should just leave if she was that busy.

-Who the hell are you to talk so much?

-If you're so short on time, just leave. Why bother staying?

-Is just asking questions what makes a journalist? Listening to the other person is a basic manner. 

-Leave, thenㅋㅋㅋ Does she think she can do as she pleases just because she wrote one article?? She's making everyone uncomfortable by speaking up like that. She wasn't forced to come. 

-So, who is that journalist?

-Oh my, someone's grumpy...

-Why is that journalist so angry at Min Heejin? It almost sounds like she's scolding herㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading A journalist criticizing Min Heejin for giving long answers

South Korean movie 'Exhuma' causes a sensation in North Korea

It has been reported that 'Exhuma' is gaining popularity in Hoeryong, North Korea. According to a report by Daily NK, news about 'Exhuma' is quickly spreading in the border areas through the Chinese mobile phones that the residents are using. The demand for 'Exhuma' has exploded, especially in border areas like Hoeryong. 

In Hoeryong, 'Exhuma' is described to be a "thrilling movie about a shaman who discovers about a family's hereditary mysterious illness that is related to the their ancestrial burial site and goes through the process of relocating the grave to resolve the illness." 

A source explained, "People here (in North Korea) also visit shamans and ask about their ancestors' graves when things are not going well or they are not getting well from an illness. This is due to the superstition that misfortune continues because of poor ancestral graves or improper ancestral rites, which is why people relate to and show interest in this film."

North Korea strictly prohibits superstitious activities, as specified in Article 256 of its Criminal Law. However, residents still heavily rely on superstition, consulting fortune tellers and following their advice despite knowing the risks of punishment. As a result, films with superstitious themes naturally attract residents' attention."

It feels like, aside from South Korea, North Koreans would relate the most to the theme of this movie out of everyone in the world.


-Watch it carefully... and later, let's bash Japan together ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-The exorcism you guys need is to get rid of your dictatorial regime

-I've heard they secretly watch Korean dramas in North Korea, I wonder if they have shamans in secret too?

-Wow.. they would really love this movie.

-Seoul is great, come visit soon

-Watch it secretly and don't get caught ㅠㅠ

-Oh, I'm scared they'll get caught ㅠㅠ

-Watch it as secretly as possible and come over to South Korea. There are still many pro-Japanese here... Let's get rid of them together...

-They would probably find it really fun... Watch it secretly and carefullyㅠ

-Watch it carefully... don't get caught

-This shows we are really the same peopleㅜㅜ

-Kim Jongun's family probably watched it already

-They would probably understand this movie better than anyone else... Watch it carefully and have fun

-I'm curious about North Korean shamansㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading South Korean movie 'Exhuma' causes a sensation in North Korea
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There still is no official statement yet about NCT Taeyong and Renjun's Instagram stories

(Disclaimer: Pannatic is a translation site that supports Palestine. Any remarks mentioned here do not reflect my views or beliefs)

On the 30th, Taeyong wrote "Boycott" on his Instagram story. The post was soon deleted. While it's unclear what he's boycotting, fans speculate it's related to Starbucks. Currently, International fans are boycotting NCT's collaboration with Starbucks, saying "Starbucks supports and funds the slaughter of Palestinians, and NCTzens don't want NCT to be associated with the brand that supports the slaughter!" 

On the 31st, Renjun posted a coffee emoji along with "Peace." Fans suspect that this is also related to the Starbucks boycott. This post is also deleted. Renjun has been on hiatus since April 20th due to poor health conditions and anxiety symptoms.

In this regard, Korean fans find it absurd and problematic for them to declare a boycott during the collaboration period. 

There are even articles about this...
If their accounts were really hacked, (Korean) fans want them to announce that their accounts were hacked. However, this seems like going to pass without being mentioned officially. No one knows for sure how it will turn out now. 

-Even if their accounts were really hacked, I think the best solution in this case is not to address the issue and hope it fades away... If denied, the backlash might be even worse.

-Isn't he the leader? Why is the leader acting like that?

-So annoying... Leave and keep your beliefs to yourselves, please.

-Did many international fans leave the fandom because of the Starbucks collaboration?? 

-Isn't this a breach of contract?

-If they were going to do this, why did they collaborate in the first place?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ If their accounts were really hacked, just release an official statement saying so.

-This is very irresponsible of them. Just posting those Instagram stories and nothing else. What kind of behavior is that?

-Are they trying to avoid losing international fans? Such a nuisance.

-They take money from Starbucks and then backstabbed them. Yet, they offer no explanation about it at all? Legendaryㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I really thought their accounts were hacked because I just think it doesn't make sense to boycott a brand they're collaborating with... 

-It's seriously annoying.

-Taking the advertising money, not wanting to lose followers and international fans, wanting to maintain their image, just choose one...

-Would an advertising model boycott that brand? Does that make sense?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-If their accounts were really hacked, they should explain quickly; if it's not, it's really stupid, but anyway, International fans are always causing trouble in K-pop.

-If that's what they were going to do, why did they do the collaboration...?

-If their accounts were really hacked, I'm sure they would have announced it sooner.

-SM Ent. should release a statement about this.

Continue reading There still is no official statement yet about NCT Taeyong and Renjun's Instagram stories

New Jeans 'How Sweet' Music Bank Encore Stage Fan Cam


-I love you, NewJeans. I'll always be a Bunnies who supports you❤️

-They all did great, and Danielle sounded just like the recorded versionㅋㅋㅋ It's nice to see them enjoying the encore stage.

-Why is the maknae so stiff?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Cuteㅋㅋㅋ Congrats on first place today. It’s nice to see NewJeans looking happy, and they all did well on the encore. Haerin, it's great to see you enjoying yourself on stage.

-I love you, NewJeans! These babies are so pretty and talented.

-Wow, they've all improved a lot.

-Congrats on first place, NewJeans! 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰 Let's keep going happily and joyfully.

-They did great!

-Their live performance is so goodㅋㅋㅋ

-They look happy, and that makes me happy too.

-Hani dances well and sings well too.

-Danielle’s voice sounds like it has built-in autotune. How does she do that?

-Watching them makes me happy too. It's nice to see.

-Why isn’t Hyein singing? I'm disappointed.

-They need to go on a world tour. Their live performance is amazingㅋㅋㅋ

-I knew Danielle and Hani were good, but surprisingly, Haerin sings well tooㅋㅋㅋ. It's a shame Hyein wasn't there, but they covered her parts really well.
Continue reading New Jeans 'How Sweet' Music Bank Encore Stage Fan Cam

NewJeans' Danielle often gets misunderstood for lip-syncing


Well, it's understandable. She sounds just like the recorded version in this live encore performance. 


-Dani is really good. I'm amazed every time. She sounds exactly like the recorded version.

-She sounds exactly like the recorded version.

-Yeah, sometimes when I hear other members, I can tell it's live, but with Danielle, it feels like she’s not singing because she sounds exactly like the recorded version.

-I was surprised while watchingㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, her voice is so beautiful.

-Her voice is unique. And when combined with her skill, it really sounds like lip-syncing.

-She’s a princess~~

-It sounds so much like the recording, sometimes it seems like she's not singing live. You can tell with Hanni, but not with Danielle because she’s just that good.

-Her voice is really clear.

-Her diction is so good that it sounds exactly like the recorded versionㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, it sounds just like the recorded version. No wonder her parts seem like lip-syncing, it's because she’s too good.

-Her pitch is really perfectㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She sings live so well that it causes misunderstandings.

-I thought it was lip-syncing too, but it wasn't.

-Danielle looks like a Barbie doll here...

-Wow, her voice has built-in auto-tuning. That’s a real talent.

-Her pronunciation is also excellent.

Continue reading NewJeans' Danielle often gets misunderstood for lip-syncing