Friday, May 31, 2024

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There still is no official statement yet about NCT Taeyong and Renjun's Instagram stories

(Disclaimer: Pannatic is a translation site that supports Palestine. Any remarks mentioned here do not reflect my views or beliefs)

On the 30th, Taeyong wrote "Boycott" on his Instagram story. The post was soon deleted. While it's unclear what he's boycotting, fans speculate it's related to Starbucks. Currently, International fans are boycotting NCT's collaboration with Starbucks, saying "Starbucks supports and funds the slaughter of Palestinians, and NCTzens don't want NCT to be associated with the brand that supports the slaughter!" 

On the 31st, Renjun posted a coffee emoji along with "Peace." Fans suspect that this is also related to the Starbucks boycott. This post is also deleted. Renjun has been on hiatus since April 20th due to poor health conditions and anxiety symptoms.

In this regard, Korean fans find it absurd and problematic for them to declare a boycott during the collaboration period. 

There are even articles about this...
If their accounts were really hacked, (Korean) fans want them to announce that their accounts were hacked. However, this seems like going to pass without being mentioned officially. No one knows for sure how it will turn out now. 

-Even if their accounts were really hacked, I think the best solution in this case is not to address the issue and hope it fades away... If denied, the backlash might be even worse.

-Isn't he the leader? Why is the leader acting like that?

-So annoying... Leave and keep your beliefs to yourselves, please.

-Did many international fans leave the fandom because of the Starbucks collaboration?? 

-Isn't this a breach of contract?

-If they were going to do this, why did they collaborate in the first place?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ If their accounts were really hacked, just release an official statement saying so.

-This is very irresponsible of them. Just posting those Instagram stories and nothing else. What kind of behavior is that?

-Are they trying to avoid losing international fans? Such a nuisance.

-They take money from Starbucks and then backstabbed them. Yet, they offer no explanation about it at all? Legendaryㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I really thought their accounts were hacked because I just think it doesn't make sense to boycott a brand they're collaborating with... 

-It's seriously annoying.

-Taking the advertising money, not wanting to lose followers and international fans, wanting to maintain their image, just choose one...

-Would an advertising model boycott that brand? Does that make sense?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-If their accounts were really hacked, they should explain quickly; if it's not, it's really stupid, but anyway, International fans are always causing trouble in K-pop.

-If that's what they were going to do, why did they do the collaboration...?

-If their accounts were really hacked, I'm sure they would have announced it sooner.

-SM Ent. should release a statement about this.

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