
Wednesday, December 11, 2024

What do you think about the opinion that overweight individuals should pay double fares?


Perhaps it’s because it’s the season for wearing padded jackets, but...

A heated debate has sparked recently:

The argument is that overweight people take up more space when seated, so they should pay double the fare.

What are your thoughts?

Overweight individuals should pay double fares: 1,164 votes (40.42%)
It's discrimination against overweight people: 1,716 votes (59.58%)


1. [+255][-40] I once sat next to a really overweight man, and it was literal hell. It was on a KTX seat, and aside from his huge build, he had a terrible body odor. Even the slightest movement from him made me nauseous. I lasted about 40 minutes before abandoning my seat and moving to another seat. Honestly, people with strong odors should just drive their own cars.

2. [+204][-42] This is South Korea's problem. Overseas, seat sizes are nearly 1.5 times larger than ours, but here, the seat width barely accommodates people, leading to mutual discomfort and hatred.

3. [+187][-17] So, do skinny people get a 50% discount then?

4. [+179][-11] Alright... So this person is 15% overweight, they should pay 15% extra. And this one is 31.75% overweight, so they pay 31.75% more. Oh, this person is underweight by -1.3%? Let’s give them a 1.3% discount. Is this what you mean?

5. [+96][-136] I agree. With an aging population and healthcare funds already running low, I think it’s time for Korea to introduce an obesity tax. Even with the same obesity rate, Asians have a much higher prevalence of obesity than Westerners. Even Japan, with the world’s lowest obesity rate, has already implemented such a system.

6. [+59][-1] I won’t say it outright, but I don’t like sitting next to overweight people... It’s uncomfortable because it’s cramped.

7. [+54][-1] Instead of sitting down, stand up as a form of work out. It's unbearable to get squeezed by these pigs, especially in winter since they wear padded jackets. Seriously, if you’re taking up more than 1.5 seats, just stand.

8. [+50][-2] Let’s also charge manspreaders who invade other people’s seat space double fares.

9. [+33][-0] I heard that charging overweight people extra fares on flights could lead to massive cost savings. On trains, when someone takes up so much space because of their size, it’s genuinely frustrating.

10. [+29][-0] I don’t know about subways, but I genuinely think this should apply to economy-class flights. The seat intrusion due to their weight really ruins the travel experience, especially since you can’t just get off whenever you want.
