Sunday, December 15, 2024


Isn't Jung Woosung being too much here?


Jung Woosung addresses the cheating rumors, “I never loved Moon Gabi”

It's his fault, anyway. He should've just stayed quietㅠ His kid will grow up and find all this out later.


1. [+444][-9] That's so f*cking Hannam of him... Looking for sex through DMs.

2. [+382][-10] He has been living off his good image. I couldn't f*cking believe this at first. Regardless of the shock, I didn't expect him to have a conscience as a father of the kid... But this? I have a lot to f*cking say, but I won't.

3. [+372][-13] I feel so f*cking bad for the kid. How tough must it be for him later when he realizes he's the child at the center of a huge scandal in South Korea?

4. [+288][-5] If he didn’t love her and got her pregnant, isn’t that even worse?

5. [+278][-10] Right... He’s supposed to be a famous actor, but isn’t he managing his image too poorly?...

6. [+126][-108] But... Moon Gabi didn't do anything right either and yet everyone's cheering for herㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+122][-0] He’s not being criticized for cheating, though... But look at the excuse he’s making to cover it upㅋㅋㅋ Is he stupid?

8. [+117][-3] He says he didn’t love her but still had sex with her?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱ He’s really digging his own graveㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱ

9. [+112][-3] There’s no easier job than being a male celebrityㅋㅋ

10. [+108][-0] The kid will grow up, use the internet, and hear rumors like ‘Is your dad Jung Woosung ?' 'Your dad didn’t marry your mom, he married someone else' 'You have a half-sibling, right?' 'Your dad doesn’t love your mom' 'He doesn’t visit you often, does he?' It's obvious what this kid is going to face later when he grows up. What did he do wrong to deserve this?ㅠ

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