Thursday, December 12, 2024

Is there anyone who changes their underwear once a week?

The frequency of Americans changing their underwear.

In a 2019 survey conducted by an underwear brand with 2,000 Americans, nearly half of them admitted to wearing the same underwear for more than two days.

What's even more surprising is that 13% of Americans said they wear the same underwear for more than a week.

Looking at the statistics by gender, 20% of American men and 8% of women admitted to wearing the same underwear for over a week before changing.


1. [+299][-11] It's basic to change it daily.

2. [+251][-14] To those who say that changing your underwear daily is too much, be ashamed. Men don’t wipe properly after urinating, so it will stay on the underwear. For women, no matter how much they wipe, if they don’t dry completely, there will still be stains and discharge. Not changing your underwear daily? People like that smell when you’re around them, but they can’t smell it themselves, so they probably cover it up with strong perfume to hide it?

3. [+204][-6] Of course, it's 1 underwear per day, right? Isn’t it perfect to change after showering? How do you even wear the same one again even after showering?

4. [+63][-39] Saturday.

5. [+58][-153] I’m a college student and don’t go to school often, so I shower once every two or three days. Naturally, I change my underwear every 2-3 days as well. I'm sorry for being disgusting.

6. [+35][-28] I change my underwear every day, but I wear the same bra for a week.

7. [+34][-4] Guys, wipe your dicks with tissue after peeing, it’s gross.

8. [+33][-2] 1 underwear per day, 1 towel per use. Wash them yourself.

9 [+29][-0] How can you wear dirty underwear after washing yourself clean? Or do they not even take a shower?...

10. [+26][-3] Foreigners don’t shower regularly, so they always wonder why people from our country don’t smell.

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