Thursday, December 19, 2024

Additional requests for forks and wet wipes at cafes will be charged ... Coffee Bean implements disposable item fees


Notice of charge for disposable utensils

To help protect our environment, we're implementing a charge for disposable utensils starting from December 23rd. Forks, knives, spoons, and wet tissues will be 100 KRW per item upon request.

Starting soon, Coffee Bean customers will be charged a fee for additional disposable items like forks and wet wipes. This move to charge for disposable products raises the question of whether other café brands will follow suit.

As of December 19, sources report that Coffee Bean Korea will begin charging for certain disposable items at its locations starting December 23.

Through its “Notice of charge for disposable utensils,” Coffee Bean announced: “To help protect our environment, we're implementing a charge for disposable utensils starting from December 23rd. Forks, knives, spoons, and wet tissues will be 100 KRW per item upon request.

Coffee Bean’s policy marks the first instance of a major café chain in South Korea implementing fees for disposable items.


-I guess I won't go to Coffee Bean anymore.

-They could just not provide disposable forks, knives, and spoons in the first place...

-Guys, it says 'additional requests.' Also, they already provide reusable forks and knives for in-store use.

-I think this is the right approach.

-So, if you drop your fork or knife, you'd have to pay for a new one?

-If it’s effective, Starbucks might do it too. When they started charging for paper bags, usage dropped significantly.

-This is the right way to reduce disposable product usage.

-It’s only disposable items that are being charged for.

-For in-store use, they already provide reusable utensils.

-It makes sense since it’s disposable items.

-I think it’s a good idea.

-It’ll probably be effective. We really need to reduce disposable product usage.

-That's right, we need to cut down on disposable items.

-If it’s for additional requests, charging seems reasonable.

-Coffee Bean is already struggling, yet they’re doing this...

-It’s additional requests... Also, some people hoard disposable items unnecessarily.

-I actually like this new policy.

-This will cut down on unnecessary requests for disposable utensils, which is great.

-They should set clear limits on how many free items are provided. Some people will buy one slice of cake and ask for six forks.

-Reducing the usage of disposable utensils is great.

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