Monday, November 18, 2024

Listeners are divided between SM Ent.'s pick vs Taeyeon's pick from the songs in her latest album


SM Ent.'s pick: Disaster

Taeyeon's pick: Letter to Myself

What's yours?


Bonus: A B-side track that is frequently mentioned by listeners, Blur.


-For the title track, I'd say Letter to Myself.

-I listened to both songs consecutively as soon as they were released out of curiosity. I think Taeyeon's pick is more suited as the title track.

-I know the title track is Letter to Myself, but I prefer Disasterㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-All the songs in this album were all initially chosen by SM Ent. anyway...

-Letter to Myself is a good song, but Disaster is the exactly perfect song to listen in this weather.

-For the title track, Letter to Myself is definitely the right choiceㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Disaster... Letter to Myself sounds too ordinary.

-For the title track, it's Letter to Myself.... But Disaster is insanely good as well...

-I prefer Disaster.

-The second song doesn't feel that ordinary to me and I also think it's more suited to be the title track. Not to mention that it suits the weather these days really well.

-Taeyeon's pick, for me. SM's pick somehow sounds very familiar. It feels like I've heard that song somewhere beforeㅋㅋ

-Letter to Myself is definitely title-track material.

-Taeyeon's pick is more suited to be the title track. SM's pick somehow feels a bit boring to be the title track.

-Personally, I like Blur the bestㅋㅋㅋㅋ But between the two, I'm gonna go with Letter to Myself.

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