Wednesday, November 6, 2024


DAY6 Sungjin's 'Check Pattern' enters Melon TOP 100


Debut at #89 with 12,000 listeners


-The song is great! It's perfect for this season!

-The song is so good; the whole album is just great.

-That is amazing. But seriously, the song is good.

-I'm currently listening to his album and it's really good.

-Looks like the song is already out. I'm gonna go and check it out.

-The whole album is really great.

-DAY6 makes really good solo songs.

-Everyone, please listen to I Don't Wanna Lose.

-Please listen to it a lot, the whole album is good.

-I'm gonna check it out once I get home.

-The vibe of this song perfectly fits the weather lately...ㅠㅠ

-Every track in this album is seriously good. My favorite song depends on my mood when I listen to it.

-All of the track in this album is really good, but the title track is a title track for a reason; it’s really good.

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