
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Current situation of fanboys freaking out after a certain girl group sold donate the profits of their photocard sales for 'Women's Support Program'


A group called TripleS released a song called "Girls Never Die," which resonated with many teenage girls.

Recently, the company announced the <We Never Die> project, where profits from their photocards (seemingly digital) sales would be donated to a women's support project...

This one is really not it. Anyone can see the clear agenda here. Women's support - it's said to be mostly feminist organizations and that's true, this isn't rightㅠ

-They should reveal detailed information about this women's support project.

-They're doing a donation, but wouldn't it be fine if they specified which organization they’re donating to?ㅋㅋ

-At a time when gender equality is a sensitive topic, why specifically support a women's project... They should support something more universally agreeable like the elderly living alone or young breadwinners. 


-They're struggling to buy proper dorms, and now they’re donating?

-How can you trust something just by seeing the words ‘women's support project’?

-Honestly, they should release something supporting soldiers or something like that.

-I’m passing on this project.

-I’m feeling uneasy...

-I just started getting into this group a few days ago and have been watching their videos on YouTube, though.

-Seems like they’ll be catering mainly to female fans from now on.

-If there’s dissatisfaction about the donation, it’s a matter of transparency.

-Isn’t our fandom dominated by fanboys?

-Let's not hate them for thisㅋㅋ

-Has anyone tried using the Japanese Wav forwarding service?

-From MODHAUS' perspective, this is crazy value for money, I guess..

-MODHAUS, you bastards. If you want to launder money, do it through over-the-counter business.

-We pay the money, but MODHAUS gets all the credit.

-MODHAUS, your announcement is not clear.

-It’s "Girls Never Die," so who else would the donations go to if not women?

Is this for real?? Nearly 80% of the fandom is male, and you’re donating to a women's support project??? Are they out of their minds... They’ve never even done a military performance. 

Male fans are starting to freak outㄷㄷㄷ

Meanwhile, foreign fans are showing nothing but support, cheering, and saying they’ll buy it. 

When you look at the mentions on Twitter, foreign fans are enthusiastically backing them. 

TripleS Girls Never Die, fighting! 👍


-Oh, the boys can go die for all I care, just stay out of good deeds.

-Then why do they like female idols...? The cognitive dissonance of the incels in this country is insane. They like women so much and yet they're bashing them so f*cking hard, isn't that way too selfish?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ If they want a military performance, they should perform it themselvesㅋㅋㅋ

-What are they even saying? Even just looking at the comments on their YouTube, it’s dominated by female fans.

-Hmm. You might be reborn as a woman, so why don’t you go ahead and die first!

-They don’t even spend money, yet they complain a lot.

-Exactly... Why are they stanning a girl group that released a song titled 'Girls Never Die'? If you want to stan a girl group with that song, they should fix their mindset first~

-Fighting! I really like 'Girls Never Die'!

-Do we even need male fans who freak out over stuff like this? Just shut up, spend your money on them first before you complain.

-Don’t male fans not buy photocards anyway?

-?? If they were gonna act like this, they should have stopped stanning the group when the song title was first revealedㅋㅋ Do they not understand English..?
