
Sunday, May 12, 2024


New Jeans' design that has become ILLIT's signature

ILLIT's 'Magnetic' was featured on the recent episode of 'Amazing Saturday'
During the song, the caption was styled using the font in ILLIT's album cover

It's a design that mixes pixelated fonts and basic font styles like this

However, this style has been used as the main design element in New Jeans' debut album, 'New Jeans' before.

Before becoming a producer, Min Heejin was in charge of design. She thought this style would've looked more outstanding. I think the recent episode of 'Amazing Saturday' proved that. By imitating these details, people who don't know might think that this style belongs to that group.

I'm not blaming the production team of 'Amazing Saturday', I'm just upset because someone ends up getting harmed because their unique style is being imitated.

Did you think it was only their logo that got imitated?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even the doodles that the members personally drew for the album cover and also the sticker designs look exactly alike.

-So they've completely copied New Jeans' formula.

-Super Shy... Supper Ikkeulim...

-Literally, it's just copying. It's like they're trying to take everything from Super Shy to Super Supernatural and now even Super Real Me and Super Magneticㅋㅋㅋ

-At first, when talk of plagiarism came up, I thought it was a bit exaggerated, but turns out they've copied even more detailed aspects. This is clearly an infringement of intellectual property rights.

-This is really too much... How angry must the people who participated in creating New Jeans feel?

-The more they get popular, the more I understand why Min Heejin is so frustrated. What a weird company.

-Wow, it's beyond imagination.

-From the start, when I saw that album cover, I thought, "Isn't that New Jeans?" At that time, New Jeans had a lot of distinctive points, including that font...

-Definitely copiedㅋㅋㅋㅋ They imitate every little detail, then try to make it seem like they've done something different...

-Why do they choose to plagiate? Even if they succeed, they can't shake off the imitator title.

-Sighㅠㅠ It really gives me chills.

-I don't remember "super" being used a lot in Korea before Super Shy,

-It's wrong to easily gain popularity and money by copying others' work. It's not the members who are pitiful, it's the fans who have been deceived.

-I really hate HYBE.

-They're really just copyingㅋㅋㅋㅋ The group is unbearable to look at.

-Just copycats.

-They've copied more than I thought.