Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Aespa dominating both domestic and international music charts

They set new records for hourly and daily user counts in Melon this year


Hourly unique listeners of 76,000 

This is the first song to have surpassed 70,000 hourly unique listeners this year

Daily unique listeners of 470,000

The songs that have surpassed 400,000 daily unique listeners this year are SPOT (410K-ish) and Supernova (470K-ish). 

Rank #1 in all music streaming sites

As of 9AM today, they achieved their 101st PAK

Their rankings on Spotify today:

#44 Supernova

#55 Armageddon 


-It's like they're back in their prime. Impressive.

-Armageddon is so addictive... I used to think it was worse than Supernova when I first heard it, but now it's stuck in my head. I end up staying up late listening to Armageddon on repeat. It's addictive.

-Personally, I like Armageddon more than Supernova.

-Congratulations! I really like both the song and the MV this time.

-The song is amazing and the MV looks like a movie, it was really well-made. 

-I love their song...

-I really like Armageddonㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-I listened to Armageddon for 3 hours straight as I worked overtime todayㅋㅋㅋ I freaking love it

-I really like Armageddon. The more I listen to it, the more addictive it gets. 

-Supernova is like the new Next Level and Armageddon is like the new Drama. No wonder it's receiving positive reactions both domestically and internationally. 

-International fans seem to really love these songsㅎㅎㅎ 

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