
Sunday, April 28, 2024

The thing that men are genuinely curious about

Why do women go to the bathroom together?

A question I've had since high school.

Why do women go to the bathroom together?

-I don't get it either, it's ridiculousㅋㅋㅋ

-To talk about things you can't outside.

-There's never a moment to stop chatting.

-Probably because there's not enough time to chat.

-I don't get it either, but if they say let's go together, I just go with them.

-Nowadays, it seems like they go together or wait for each other because they think the restroom is dangerous.

-Because of safety concerns... especially when going to restaurants or bars. It's also strange when guys go to smoke together at work.

-Because they need time to chat... they have a lot to talk about!

-Going together is safer, considering how much crime happens in restrooms.

-It seems like they stop going together once they become adults

-Just so you know, they don't go into the stalls together.

-Maybe it's because girls have a stronger sense of community?

-Because it's boring to go alone.

-I heard a long time ago that men are goal-oriented and women are relationship-oriented.

-So the conversation doesn't stop.

-My friends and I used to cram three people into one stall when I was in elementary schoolㅋㅋㅋ We just wanted to do everything together.

-When we were young, we were afraid ghosts might appear, so we went together

-But there are some bathrooms that are scary to go to alone, so going together just makes you feel safer. We don't go together to the ones that are clean and well-maintained, though.

-I don't know either...
