Friday, July 24, 2020


Oh Hayoung is so scary...

This is so f*cking hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Fan: Write her name this way, 5Ha0, so that she won't be able to find your tweet
(NB: 5 --> 오/Oh, 0 --> 영/Young. 5Ha0 = Oh Ha Young)

HY: I still find it, though


1. [+268][-7] Guys, this is why we should be careful and not leaving malicious comments... They can see it allㅠㅠ

2. [+242][-5] Hayoung...
HY: 'Guys, I heard Apink is going to have a comeback'
HY: 'Ah, I'm in the wrong account'
Fan: 'Miss, it's true that you have another account, right?'
HY: 'Let's suspect each other'

3. [+238][-4] Ock Taecyeon was the one who started this, he finds tweets about him even when his name is not mentioned in itㅠㅠㅠㅠ He goes around replying people's tweets at dawn
Fan: 'Who is that My Ear Candy guy?'
TY: Me

4. [+162][-0] Gongchan, the idol who has a secret account
Fan: 'There's nothing in your username and whole account that includes Gongchan's name. I wonder how did he find this accountㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ'
GC: I'm following all of you in my second account

5. [+124][-1] F*ck... I have a feeling Oh Hayoung is using Pann, too

6. [+117][-3] Oh Hayoung's twitter account is a comedyㅋㅋㅋ Not to mention that she talks differently on Instagram and Twitterㅋㅋㅋ She posted a picture of her with Naeun, on Instagram she wrote 'I met Son Naeun^^' and on Twitter she wrote 'A story about me meeting Son Naeun'ㅋㅋㅋ She's really funny

7. [+112][-0] This is so f*cking scary...
Fan: Wowyoung. I think we should be using words that completely don't have any relations to her so that she wouldn't able to find up.
HY: I see it all, so just write my name properly

8. [+101][-3] This tooㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The original tweet was deleted, so I put them in collage like this
'Selling a cap with Yook Sungjae's signature on it. 55,000 KRW'
SJ: Please give me a discount

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