Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Do you guys know that Black Pink's As If It's Your Last was written 10 years ago?

It was originally planned to be released in 2NE1's Can't Nobody album in 2010, they even already finished the recording of the song. Park Bom personally explained that the song was drafted because the album has a lot of great songs and already has 3 title tracks. 

7 years later, the song is released by Black Pinkㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The fact that As If It's Your Last was written 10 years ago...ㄷㄷ 


1. [+249][-4] Teddy is really amazing. How could a 10-years old song sounds that trendy...

2. [+133][-3] The song doesn't sound tacky or old-fashioned at all, and I like it...

3. [+97][-3] Black Pink's Forever Young was also released 2 years after it was written. Big companies do this a lot. They would save the original songs and release it after some arrangements. 

4. [+45][-3] I'm curious about how it would sound like if it was sung by 2NE1. I want to hear CL's version of Lisa's partㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+42][-4] I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about other company here, but F(x)'s 4 Walls already completed the production in 2009. 

6. [+36][-1] Someone said they heard Forever Young, which was released in 2018, in front of YG Ent.'s head-quarters in 2013ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+32][-1] I'm sorry for talking about other company here, but Red Velvet's Russian Roulette was originally written for Jessica and Krystal's duo. 

8. [+25][-1] YG Ent. should change their name to TD Ent.

9. [+20][-1] They only use the same melody and changed the brass, keyboard, and add some other sounds. It doesn't sound exactly the same like how it was first made in 2010. 

10. [+14][-0] AIIYL is my favorite song of Black Pinkㅠㅠ It gives off a refreshing summer vibes, and I also like how the color hot-pink dominates the album cover.

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