-They should've let them wear a safety pants or a long pantsㅠㅠ
-Huk.. The short.. I want to cover her with somethingㅠㅠ
-Her pants.. Coordi-nim..
-Hul.. It must be embarassing for her..;
-She changed her clothes to do this and I was really surprised when she came again with a tight shorts..
-It must be kind of embarassing to do that while wearing a tight shorts..
-Why is that her coordi's fault.. Isn't that her own fault?
-Umm.. It's because her coordi is the one who prepares her outfits?
-She should've done something about this.. She knew that she was going to do a split, it's not like her coordi knew it beforehand..
-She's so careless.. It's something that she should've taken care of..
-There were some men sitting thereㅠㅠ
-But it really looks like Sana was surprised for real..
-Why did she wear that..
-The other guests must be feeling embarassed as well..
-Coordi-nim.. Please do your work..
-Cheng Xiao is still a minor, though..
-Hul.. She's not Korean?
-What was in her mind when she decided to wear that..
-Oh my god..