Sunday, December 22, 2024

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The reason actor Kang Hoon debuted in the entertainment industry (feat. Taeyeon)


"How can I meet these people (NB: SNSD)...? Maybe I could act?" My dream of becoming an actor that grew from there.

Q: Who did you like among SNSD?

Kang Hoon: Taeyeon. 

She's the first and also the last idol I've ever liked. I've never met het in person, though. I have a lot of signed CDs at home. I even had her name tag~

I have good eyesight, but I pretended not to.

(He gave up his eyesight just to see Taeyeon (?))

'You should make an appearance on Amazing Saturday'

I want to say that I became an actor thanks to her.

To the first and last idol I've ever liked, Taeyeon. I wanted to say that I'm currently working hard as an actor because of Taeyeon back then. I want to thank her for that. I have a signed CD at home, please sign it if we ever get to meet. It was a fiery lo... 'No, no'

This was from a 2022 broadcast. He said he became an actor to see Taeyeon.

He even went to the optical shop that Taeyeon's family runs in Jeonju. He's such a big fanㅋㅋㅋㅋ

And yesterday, on Amazing Saturday


-How old is he?

-Straightforward younger guys are the best, seriously...

-I'm a fan of Kang Hoon and I think the two of them should date.

-Kang Hoon… Taeyeon??? Oh… I’m shipping this couple.

-He's a successful fanboy. I think they could just date...

-Please film 'We Got Married'

-Please date.

-I really like Kang Hoon...

-He's truly a successful fanboyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I like this...

-Kang Hoon is such a straightforward younger guyㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's crazy.

-He's such a real one for this.

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