
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Muslims faces an unexpected challenge as they build a mosque in South Korea

 Current Situation of the Controversial Daegu Islamic Mosque

(NB: Article headlines)

   - Daegu Buk-gu District Office Issues 'Construction Halt Order' for Islamic Mosque ... Reports to Police ...

   - Daegu Buk-gu Files Legal Complaint and Orders Construction Halt for Islamic Mosque

   - Daegu Buk-gu Accuses Islamic Mosque Construction Company of Building Code Violations and Halts Construction

   - Daegu Buk-gu Reports Islamic Mosque Construction Firm to Police for Building Code Violations

   - Daegu Buk-gu District Office Reports Islamic Mosque Construction Company for Building Code Violations

(NB: Screen capture of an article)

The construction of the Daegu Islamic Mosque is likely to face prolonged delays as the owner and construction company enter a legal dispute.

   According to the mosque's owner on the 9th, the owner recently filed a lawsuit against the construction company at Daegu District Court, demanding the return of some construction funds. The mosque construction has been halted by the local government due to differences from the original design.

   Muaz Razak, the mosque's project leader, claimed, "The construction was mishandled due to the site manager's fault, and despite repeated requests for re-construction, they did not cooperate. They took advantage of our desperate situation to demand more money while not doing the work. It seems they made these mistakes intentionally to cause harm."

   The owner has filed the lawsuit to recover costs for unfinished work and to cover re-construction expenses. Meanwhile, the construction company is demanding additional costs on the mosque site. The company claims that due to a two-year delay since the contract, the cost of materials has increased, and thus the owner should pay for these additional expenses.

(NB: Caption by the OP)

During the construction of the Islamic mosque, the contractor was caught using substandard materials, leading to the local district office halting the construction.

   The district office is demanding that the defective parts be removed and replaced with proper materials before construction can resume.

   The construction company is refusing to obey due to the high cost of re-construction.

   The mosque's owners (Muslims) have ignored the construction company and approached the district office directly to propose a compromise.

   The district office insists on their original demands.

   Essentially, the district office, construction company, and mosque owners are in a three-way standoff, with legal disputes over responsibility and costs now involved. This is a typical Korean-style resolution that even the Muslims didn't even see coming.


-Why are they building that in our country?

-Don't build it.

-This is absurd.

-Even the new apartments in Daegu are a mess, and now this mosque can't escape the construction scamsㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I heard the conflict was not because of the religion but due to redevelopment issues.

-This is Korea...

-A typical Korean-style ending that even God can't escape.

-I hope it never gets completed.

-Why do these Muslims keep trying to build this in Korea?

-Whatever the reason, I hope it doesn't get built.

-It's hard to just laugh this off... Setting aside the religion, what's wrong with these construction companies?

-Feel the taste of Korea, you guys.

-This is really hopeless.
