
Sunday, June 9, 2024

How idol fans' usually book their spots in events

If you do this on a soccer match, it'll get torn apart immediately


What happens when idols come to a baseball match

Baseball fans move seats because idol fans' are taking pictures 


-I used to work at the airport, it was really uncomfortable when idol fans do this.

-It's awful, seriously. Not only that, they also always cause trouble.

-I've encountered this a few times at the airport, it's really frustrating. It's a nuisance, I can't even get through the entrance because of them.

-So annoying.

-Seriously, don't do that...

-It's ridiculous.

-As an idol fan who often goes to offline events, I was confused when I first encountered such behavior... But there's nothing I can do since everyone does it. 

-It's disgusting.

-Setting up a ladder and putting a lock? Really freak and troublesome. It's really embarrassing. 

-Oh, seriously, what a disgrace

-But why do they write the phone numbers? What is it for?

-Even though it's almost like a culture, this behavior should be stopped. If broadcasting stations don't take firm actions against this, they will never stop doing this.

-Are they still like that? I've torn up a few of those before...