
Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Jennie agency's official statement



-Jennie, fighting!!

-Do other indoor smokers not apologize?

-So, before it became a public issue, they didn't think it was a problem? That's even more concerning...

-What else can she do? She acknowledged what she did wrong and apologized to the staff.

-The company handled it well. Acknowledgement and a quick apology, good job.

-Some celebrities don't apologize and just move on anyway...

-If she hadn't been caught, she probably wouldn't have apologized. Since she got caught, she apologized quickly, but anyway, seeing her smoking indoor is quite disappointing.

-She apologized, so that's settled. Why stir up more trouble?

-Can't she apologize in person?

-I wonder how the editor feels...

-If she apologized, it should be enough, people really criticize too much.

-And what about the person who edited the vlog...?
Continue reading Jennie agency's official statement

Jang Hyunseung Explains 8 Years After His Departure from BEAST: "I Was Told Not to Attend the Fan Meeting by the Company"


by Journalist Jeon Jaekyung

Jang Hyunseung (34) has spoken up about his departure from the group BEAST.

Recently, through the paid communication app From, Jang Hyunseung stated, "At the time, it was a situation where it was decided that I will be leaving the team, and soon after, there would be official news about my departure. They told me not to attend the fan meeting, saying not to come. So I didn't go and went out to have fun instead. It wasn't an unauthorized absence," he explained.

"I was told by the company to film a video with my phone saying, 'Sorry to the Japanese fans that I couldn't attend due to various personal reasons at home.' So I filmed that and sent it. I would have preferred to just stay at home rather than go out. But at that time, I didn't feel like staying at home," he added.

article source: https://m.entertain.naver.com/now/article/003/0012656409

comment source: instiz

-Hasn't he explained this quite a while ago??

-Oh, I didn't know, I thought it was the other way around.

-It won't change anything anywayㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's just continued media play or something, what is he talking about, his actions haven't changed at all

-So, he showed signs of not wanting to perform until he left, fought with fans, and then the company told him not to attend the fan meeting, so he just decided to went out? ㅋㅋ Ah, I see.

-Imagine if it happened to an office worker. Your work colleague doesn't do any work during work hours, always on his phone, and even though you tried to confront him, he didn't change~ So the company told him not to come to the meeting, and then he went out to play during that time? Afterwards, he went to others saying, "I was told not to come to the meeting, right!! I felt unfair." Is that okay?!?? 

-Now I understand why group fans hate that excuse

-Is that why he roughly performed on stage? Because it was already decided that he would be leaving the group?

-Oh.., I don't know well, but there seems to have been more than that. If you're not a fan, you shouldn't say anything... It's a bit weird for non-fans to add their opinions. It's like... A singer did something that fans really hate and non-fans forgive him on their behalf...?

Continue reading Jang Hyunseung Explains 8 Years After His Departure from BEAST: "I Was Told Not to Attend the Fan Meeting by the Company"

Kiss of Life Encore Stage After Winning 1st on The Show



-Sim Hye-wonㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Kiss of Life sounds amazing. Congratulations on your win.

-Seems like they were nervous at first, but they're getting really good later, especially the black-haired one.

-Haneul sounds more stable than I expected.

-I'm not sure if they're as good as I thought they'd be... Were they nervous?

-They sound really goodㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why are the comments like thisㅋㅋㅋ

-Honestly, I don't think they're that good objectively... But maybe the songs are difficult in general.

-Julie seems to be the ace of the group. She sings well and raps well too.

-Isn't this good enough for a raw live performance? They're just a year-old rookie group.

-They're surprisingly goodㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-They sound good, although the beginning was a bit chaotic, they actually sound good from the middle part.

-They sound good, though?

-Haneul sounds a lot better than I expected.

-They actually sound quite good.

-I don't see what's the problem, they sound good. Congratulations on your first win, Kiss of Life.

Continue reading Kiss of Life Encore Stage After Winning 1st on The Show
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Chaeryeong: "Who were you thinking of when you wrote the lyrics for 'You Were Pretty'? Was it me by any chance?"

Chaeryeong: "Who were you thinking of when you wrote the lyrics for 'You Were Pretty'? Was it me by any chance?"

YoungK: "I highly doubt it. Unfortunately..."

Chaeryeong: "Not even a little bit?"

Young K: "Unfortunately, not even a little bit... But you were a lovely and charming younger trainee back then."

-Were the lyrics written by YoungK?

-It's a joke, you guysㅋㅋㅋ It's so cute, what's with the fuss?

-Chaeryeong is cuteㅋㅋㅋ

-It was just a joke because Chaeryeong and YoungK are close, what's up with the comment?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Oh, the comments...

-I watched the full version, it's funㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-They look really closeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-They're close, so they're just joking aroundㅋㅋㅋ

-Are they friends?

-Chaeryeong probably just didn't know the lyrics, that's why she said that. She'd be in big trouble if he actually wrote that lyrics while thinking of her.

-Anyway, it's all scriptedㅋㅋㅋ Youtube variety scripts are more detailed than you think.

-Chaeryeong and YoungK are both cuteㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Is that the concept of this channel? A lot of it's scripted anyway.

-Wow, YoungK wrote the lyrics? Crazy...
Continue reading Chaeryeong: "Who were you thinking of when you wrote the lyrics for 'You Were Pretty'? Was it me by any chance?"

Min Heejin: "Today’s investigation was not scheduled, but I wanted to come because I had a lot to say and felt relieved to tell the truth"

 On the 9th, Min Heejin made her first appearance as a suspect at the Yongsan Police Station in Seoul for allegations of breach of duty. She completed the investigation and met with reporters at 10:02 PM, saying, "Today’s investigation was not scheduled, but I wanted to come because I had a lot to say and felt relieved to tell the truth." Min Heejin arrived at the Yongsan Police Station at 1:38 PM to undergo questioning.

Min Heejin added, "The allegations of breach of duty are like a comedy to me," and stated, "I have a lot of additional evidence to submit, which I will do through my lawyer."


-She looks so happyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The police probably didn’t feel like they were workingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-This is so funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Was she there just to vent?

-A private press conference...only for the police

-Police, did you hear all the interesting stories? Share some with us

-Why do I feel bad for the police? ㅠㅠ

-This is crazyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She’s so iconic.

-I was wondering why the investigation took so long, but seeing the photos, I totally get it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She looks genuinely happyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’m glad

-“I have a lot of additional evidence to submit through my lawyer” Even 8 hours wasn’t enough for HYBE’s sinsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The police must have had a blast listening to her, I’m jealous

-I've never seen anyone look so bright coming out of a police stationㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Was that really a police investigation?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading Min Heejin: "Today’s investigation was not scheduled, but I wanted to come because I had a lot to say and felt relieved to tell the truth"

After 8 Hours of Police Investigation, Min Heejin Says, "I Feel So Relieved to Have Told the Truth"


I want to listen to her third full-length album...


-At this point, it looks like the police were the ones caughtㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

-It's so unfair that the police got to listen to her third album first.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋShe's so cheerful.

-The police probably expected Min Heejin to be exhausted after the investigationㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She's so strongㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Looks like she had a great time.

-Did she hold a third press conference during the investigation?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She really looks relievedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The police were the ones held captiveㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She must have said everything she wanted to in those 8 hoursㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She must feel so relievedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm so jealous of the police.

-Did she go for another venting session?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The police are so unfair... listening by themselves...

-She looks so happyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Are the police officers okay?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Does she really look like someone who just got out of an 8-hour investigation? The police are so lucky.

Continue reading After 8 Hours of Police Investigation, Min Heejin Says, "I Feel So Relieved to Have Told the Truth"

ITZY Lia shows off her first short hair since her debut as she come backs in a broadcast after a long time


-Jisoo, you look so beautiful.

-Cute, but long hair suits her better.

-It suits her well.

-So freaking prettyㅠㅠ

-Is it a wig or her real hair?

-Short hair looks great on her, so pretty.

-Gorgeous, welcome back, so happy to see you.

-Why is she so pretty?

-Pretty girls look good in any kind of hairstyleㅎㅎㅎㅎ

-Short hair makes her look fresh and pretty.

-This is legendary, for real.

-Glad to see she looks healthy.

-With short hair, she kind of looks like Baek Jinheeㅋㅋ She suits this hairstyle too.

-Wow, this is the best she’s ever looked.

Continue reading ITZY Lia shows off her first short hair since her debut as she come backs in a broadcast after a long time

An idol who used informal speech with the manager he just met

Hoshi: I have a kind of embarrassing story... A new manager joined us and I hadn't asked for his name yet. So, I asked our other manager, "What's the new manager's name?" And he said, "It's Song Jaehyung!" (Anyway) I thought his name was Songjae Hyung. That new manager was supposed to take me to the dermatologist, so I said, "Song Jaehyung! How long will it take?" The manager replied, "Ah... yes... It will take a few minutes..." From then on, I kept calling him "Song Jaehyung! Did you have lunch?". It turns out that it was like saying, "Yoon Jeonghan! How long will it take?"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Jeonghan: Hoshi was calling him "Song Jaehyung!" like that in the practice roomㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Hoshi: "Song Jaehyung! Can you turn on the music?"

Jeonghan: I was like... What's that? Why... Why... Are you calling him Song Jaehyung?

Hoshi: I called him Songjae Hyung because he's a Hyung (NB: Older than me)

Jeonghan: His name is Jaehyung...

Hoshi: Ah, his name is Jaehyung...?? 

(NB: If you don't understand, the manager's name is Song Jaehyung. With the 'Song' being his surname. But Hoshi thought his name was Songjae, with the 'Hyung' being 'Hyung' as in 'Older brother'. He had been calling his manager by his full name before he realized)

-I came in thinking, is it about Song Jaehyung?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-This whole live broadcast was hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It gets even funnier with more Seventeen members joining in ㅋㅋㅋ If you hear it, it's hilarious; Seungkwan was dying of laughter ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The laughter and ad-libs were legendary ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I'm dyingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The story itself is hilarious, but the OP captured the last shot so wellㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-This is so funny, I burst out laughingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It's understandable why he confused thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-ㅋㅋㅋ This gets funnier every time I see it.

-This is my favorite storyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-This is legendaryㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I saw this story before, but I didn't know it was Hoshi's storyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's still funny even after seeing it againㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Continue reading An idol who used informal speech with the manager he just met

'NewJeans Mom' Min Heejin, Goes to Yongsan Police Station Today on Charges of Breach of Duty


by Journalist Sun Mo-Eun

article source: https://n.news.naver.com/article/243/0000061716?sid=105

comment source: theqoo

-Who committed breach of duty?

-But why Yongsan?

-When will HYBE collapse? Who was it that committed breach of duty?

-Since they accused her of breach of duty, she has to appear once (maybe more) to explain or do something. It’s just part of the process, but still, the headline is annoying.

-Where are the real people who committed breach of duty?

-HYBE, go bankrupt.

-Huh? Who committed breach of duty?

-She must be really annoyed dealing with HYBE’s nonsense.

-Min Heejin’s title is CEO.

-Don’t they know the word “CEO”?

-Investigate Bang Sihyuk instead.

-HYBE, screw you.

-I still can’t believe this nonsense is happening. HYBE, may you fall apart. Min Heejin, stay strong.
Continue reading 'NewJeans Mom' Min Heejin, Goes to Yongsan Police Station Today on Charges of Breach of Duty

Will DAY6 and QWER be called 'non-mainstream'? K-pop thrives on bands these days


Rock music, once considered a "non-mainstream genre" or a "past trend," is now taking a big stride toward into the mainstream. K-pop idol groups are differentiating themselves with band concepts, and rock bands that have broken away from the "indie" label have attracted overseas fans as well. K-pop groups, which are styled as bands, are also climbing the charts.

More K-pop Groups Adopting Band Concepts, Like RIIZE and H1-KEY

SM Ent.'s boy group RIIZE has released "Get A Guitar" as their debut single, followed by "Talk Sexy," inspired by the saxophone, and their latest album's title track "Boom Boom Bass," which features the bass guitar. EXO's member Suho, also under SM, released a solo album filled with rock music in May. He explained, "I studied rock during my military service and wanted to express that 'Suho is sincere about rock.'"

Girl group H1-KEY achieved a surprise hit with "Rose Blossom," written by DAY6's Young K, last year, earning them the "miracle of the small-company idol" title. In their latest album, released last month, they adopted a rebellious punk band image. (G)I-DLE saw great success earlier this year with "Fate" which reminds the public of a Japanese pop band.

Pop Bands Like DAY6 and QWER Top the Music Charts

K-pop-oriented pop bands are also enjoying popularity. JYP Ent.'s band DAY6, debuting in 2015, is experiencing its peak. Unlike typical K-pop boy groups who often lose popularity when they return from military service, DAY6's old songs have resurged in the music charts, and they drew over 34,000 fans to a three-day concert at Jamsil Indoor Stadium in Seoul last April. Young K commented, "The structure of band music with real instruments remains consistent over time, making it timeless."

Xdinary Heroes, also under JYP, sold out three solo concerts from July 5-7 and will meet fans in Los Angeles and New York starting July 17. Girl band QWER, made up of social media stars, has had their song "T.B.H" in the top 10 of the Melon weekly chart for nearly three months. ONEWE, a boy band from Mamamoo's agency RBW, is also steadily gaining popularity. 

"Exhaustion from the Fixated K-pop Trends Leads to Band Music Popularity"

Rock bands are eyeing overseas markets. Silica Gel, one of the most popular rock bands in Korea, was invited to Spain's "Primavera Sound" and Australia's "Vivid Sydney." Wave To Earth, which debuted in 2019, has performed in over 30 cities worldwide. The Rose became the first Korean rock band to chart on the US Billboard album chart.

There is also an evident interest in band music. Seohyeon Kyu, director of MPMG, which manages many indie bands, noted, "With more festivals, the demand for bands on stage has increased, and bands with some fandom have seen their appearance fees rise compared to last year."

Analysts suggest that interest in band music is partly due to exhaustion from the fandom-oriented K-pop market. A music critic commented, "As K-pop, especially boy groups, have become more business-oriented around fandoms, the fatigue has grown. Some of the demand for popular and familiar melody-centered music seems to be shifting towards band music."

article sourcehttps://naver.me/xRhTCYWG

comment source: https://theqoo.net/hot/3312213268?page=1

-How is QWER a band? What nonsense is this?

-How can a performing group that doesn't play instruments on stage be called a band?

-Wow, you really put them together? Setting aside the controversy, QWER isn't on the same level as DAY6; they’re just a new group that performs songs given to them...

-I don’t think DAY6 and QWER are on the same level.

-Doesn't DAY6 write their own songs?

-How is QWER a band? They don't even play instruments in their recordings or live performances. They don’t write their own songs either. How is that a band?

-Why is QWER even here?

-They should have used N.Flying as one of the examples instead; their songs are also high on the charts.

-It's disrespectful to lump a band that writes, composes, and records their own music with one that doesn't. DAY6 was never an indie band; they were always part of a major label. Even if they aimed for an indie sound, they were never really underground. If that other group is a band, then so were the Wonder Girls, who even wrote their own songs. While bands are popular now, the article title is misleading.

-Stop comparing them.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋDAY6 must feel so disrespected.

-Why are they being compared? It's like comparing Park Hyo-shin and IU to a no-name. The comparison isn’t about popularity, but the fact that DAY6 is a real band that had to earn their debut by creating great songs, while the other isn’t even a band by definition.

-I just don’t want them to be associated together.

-One band writes, composes, and records their own music; the other doesn’t. It’s disrespectful to call both of them bands.

-DAY6 writes, composes, and records their own music...

-It's funny to see people getting worked up over online opinions.
Continue reading Will DAY6 and QWER be called 'non-mainstream'? K-pop thrives on bands these days

Jennie Reported to Italian Embassy for Indoor Smoking Incident

  (Disclaimer: None of these comments I translated equal to my personal views or opinions ((I love Jennie)). The article was written by MyDaily, it was re-posted to Theqoo and it became one of the trending posts. The comments are from Theqoo)

by Journalist Kim Jiwoo

BLACKPINK member Jennie has been reported for allegedly smoking indoors.

On the 8th, a video of Jennie smoking indoors went viral on online communities. This clip was part of a vlog posted on Jennie's YouTube channel on the 2nd, but the specific scene has since been deleted.

A netizen claimed to have reported the incident to the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Italy. Netizen A stated that the location appeared to be Capri Island, Italy, and said, "I requested an investigation through the petition to the Korean Embassy in Italy. I strongly urge a thorough investigation and strict action regarding Jennie's indoor smoking incident." They also shared a screenshot showing the completed complaint to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Since January 2005, Italy has enforced a ban on indoor smoking. Those caught smoking in indoor public places face a fine of up to 250 euros (approximately 370,000 won) per cigarette. The fine doubles if smoking occurs in front of pregnant women or children.

article source: https://m.entertain.naver.com/now/article/117/0003848865

comment source: https://theqoo.net/hot/3312042992?page=1

-Whoa... to this extent?

-I thought indoor smoking was okay abroad.

-Other celebrities have also paid fines for similar reasons.

-I heard it wasn't illegal abroad.

-Wait, Italy also bans indoor smoking?

-Celebrities caught smoking indoors in Korea also got fined.

-When in Rome, do as the Romans doㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-So, they also ban indoor smoking there.

-In Korea, people reported such incidents too. It's up to the person to report or not. The one who broke the law is at fault, not the reporter.

-I thought indoor smoking was allowed abroad and only Korea was strict...

-If she hadn't smoked, she wouldn't have been reported.

-How did they know it was in Italy? It just looks like a waiting roomㅋㅋㅋㅋ Amazing, they said indoor smoking was allowed abroad, but it's not.

-Why is this 'overreacting'?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's hilarious. Who told her to smoke indoors?

-If indoor smoking is banned, it should be reported. What's overreacting about that? Is it normal to blow smoke in someone's face?
Continue reading Jennie Reported to Italian Embassy for Indoor Smoking Incident

BLACKPINK Jennie Caught Smoking Indoors?... Blows Smoke in Staff's Face

 (Disclaimer: None of these comments I translated equal to my personal views or opinions ((I love Jennie)). The article was written by Sports Chosun, it was re-posted to Theqoo and it became one of the trending posts. The comments are from Theqoo)

by Journalist: Kim Junseok

BLACKPINK's Jennie was caught allegedly smoking an e-cigarette indoors, sparking controversy.

On the 8th, a short video titled "Jennie Smoking Indoors" spread across social media and various online communities.

In the video, Jennie is surrounded by several staff members, getting her makeup and hair done.

During this time, Jennie is seen holding what appears to be an e-cigarette, bringing it to her mouth, and exhaling smoke.

The video is part of a vlog posted on Jennie's YouTube channel on the 2nd, which has since been deleted.

Netizens responded with comments like, "Smoking indoors is not okay," "Blowing smoke in front of staff?", and "Lack of consideration for the staff," while others said, "Let's not jump to conclusions."

article source: https://naver.me/FxFicrAC

comments source: https://theqoo.net/hot/3311965965?page=1

-Doing that in front of someone is extremely disrespectful... I liked her because she seemed lively on variety shows, but I'm disappointed.

-I don't care if she smokes, but doing it in front of people is really off-putting.

-I don't care if adults smoke e-cigarettes or regular cigarettes, but doing it indoors right in front of staff is shocking.

-I don't smoke, so I don't know... but can't she hold it in for a bit??? Does she really have to smoke in that situation?

-How could she do that in front of people? I'm disappointed.

-Kim Soohyun also smoked indoors in the waiting room, but it got buried... Go Hyunjung too. Do they smoke inside because they're afraid of being photographed?

-If you're going to smoke, do it when you're alone. I really hate people like that.

-It's funny how people are bringing up other celebrities in the comments. Jennie is the one caught blowing smoke in the staff's face.

-Celebrities smoke indoors a lot... I went to a waiting room once, and it reeked of cigarettes.

-What's worse than other smoking celebrities is not just being in the same space but blowing smoke right in front of someone’s face... She wouldn't do that to someone in a higher position.

-This isn't just about smoking e-cigarettes indoors. The issue is that she blew smoke right in front of the staff without a second thought.

-She's an adult, so I don’t care if she smokes. But blowing smoke in the staff’s face, especially while filming a vlog, is shocking. But I'm not really surprised.

-The issue isn't just smoking e-cigarettes indoors. The point is that she blew smoke in the staff’s face.

-There's a person right in front of her...

-Wow, I'm shocked.

-How could she do that while getting her makeup done and in front of someone? Even e-cigarettes smell...

Continue reading BLACKPINK Jennie Caught Smoking Indoors?... Blows Smoke in Staff's Face
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BLACKPINK Lisa Ranks 70th on Billboard Hot 100, BTS Jimin Ranks 88th


Billboard Hot 100: 70th
Billboard Global 200: 4th
Billboard Global Excluding US: 1st

BTS Jimin

Billboard Hot 100: 88th
Billboard Global Excluding US: 7th


-Oh, this is really good, right? Jimin isn’t even promoting, this is amazing.

-Lisa is incredible.

-Jimin came out well with just one song and no promotions.

-Lisa did well on YouTube and the music charts. Amazing.

-Congratulations, Jimin and Lisa! 🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

-Wow, Jimin made it onto Hot 100 with just one song and no promotions. Incredible, congrats.

-Congratulations to both.

-Wow, congratulations Jimin 🎉🎉🎉 and Lisa too 🎉🎉🎉

-Amazing that this was possible with a Korean song.

-Lisa is amazing. BLACKPINK is incredible even as solo artists.

-Lisa is amazing. Seems like she only released a music video.

-Jimin's pre-release song did well on streaming. Hope the title track does well too.

-Jimin did well with just one song. Congrats.

Continue reading BLACKPINK Lisa Ranks 70th on Billboard Hot 100, BTS Jimin Ranks 88th