
Friday, May 31, 2024

A journalist criticizing Min Heejin for giving long answers


How can a journalist interrupt someone speaking at a press conference and say, 'Please keep your answers short and take more questions'? That's really funny;; It's not like Min Heejin limits the question she would respond to, but they criticized her for giving long answersㅋㅋㅋ


-Who is that reporter!

-Isn't it good for journalists if there's a lot to report from a press conference?

-If she's so busy, let's just not invite her next time.

-Ironically, that journalist is the one who is talking longer.

-If it were me, I might have emotionally responded by saying, "If you're short on time, please leave first." Min Heejin is really amazing to be able to respond to that journalist with a smile.

-That journalist seems to not realize that she's the reason why it's taking longerㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-But in the midst of that, Min Heejin's ability to not give in was impressive.

-People like that shouldn't even be allowed into press conferences.

-Instead of whining, she should just leave if she was that busy.

-Who the hell are you to talk so much?

-If you're so short on time, just leave. Why bother staying?

-Is just asking questions what makes a journalist? Listening to the other person is a basic manner. 

-Leave, thenㅋㅋㅋ Does she think she can do as she pleases just because she wrote one article?? She's making everyone uncomfortable by speaking up like that. She wasn't forced to come. 

-So, who is that journalist?

-Oh my, someone's grumpy...

-Why is that journalist so angry at Min Heejin? It almost sounds like she's scolding herㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading A journalist criticizing Min Heejin for giving long answers

South Korean movie 'Exhuma' causes a sensation in North Korea

It has been reported that 'Exhuma' is gaining popularity in Hoeryong, North Korea. According to a report by Daily NK, news about 'Exhuma' is quickly spreading in the border areas through the Chinese mobile phones that the residents are using. The demand for 'Exhuma' has exploded, especially in border areas like Hoeryong. 

In Hoeryong, 'Exhuma' is described to be a "thrilling movie about a shaman who discovers about a family's hereditary mysterious illness that is related to the their ancestrial burial site and goes through the process of relocating the grave to resolve the illness." 

A source explained, "People here (in North Korea) also visit shamans and ask about their ancestors' graves when things are not going well or they are not getting well from an illness. This is due to the superstition that misfortune continues because of poor ancestral graves or improper ancestral rites, which is why people relate to and show interest in this film."

North Korea strictly prohibits superstitious activities, as specified in Article 256 of its Criminal Law. However, residents still heavily rely on superstition, consulting fortune tellers and following their advice despite knowing the risks of punishment. As a result, films with superstitious themes naturally attract residents' attention."

It feels like, aside from South Korea, North Koreans would relate the most to the theme of this movie out of everyone in the world.


-Watch it carefully... and later, let's bash Japan together ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-The exorcism you guys need is to get rid of your dictatorial regime

-I've heard they secretly watch Korean dramas in North Korea, I wonder if they have shamans in secret too?

-Wow.. they would really love this movie.

-Seoul is great, come visit soon

-Watch it secretly and don't get caught ㅠㅠ

-Oh, I'm scared they'll get caught ㅠㅠ

-Watch it as secretly as possible and come over to South Korea. There are still many pro-Japanese here... Let's get rid of them together...

-They would probably find it really fun... Watch it secretly and carefullyㅠ

-Watch it carefully... don't get caught

-This shows we are really the same peopleㅜㅜ

-Kim Jongun's family probably watched it already

-They would probably understand this movie better than anyone else... Watch it carefully and have fun

-I'm curious about North Korean shamansㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading South Korean movie 'Exhuma' causes a sensation in North Korea
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There still is no official statement yet about NCT Taeyong and Renjun's Instagram stories

(Disclaimer: Pannatic is a translation site that supports Palestine. Any remarks mentioned here do not reflect my views or beliefs)

On the 30th, Taeyong wrote "Boycott" on his Instagram story. The post was soon deleted. While it's unclear what he's boycotting, fans speculate it's related to Starbucks. Currently, International fans are boycotting NCT's collaboration with Starbucks, saying "Starbucks supports and funds the slaughter of Palestinians, and NCTzens don't want NCT to be associated with the brand that supports the slaughter!" 

On the 31st, Renjun posted a coffee emoji along with "Peace." Fans suspect that this is also related to the Starbucks boycott. This post is also deleted. Renjun has been on hiatus since April 20th due to poor health conditions and anxiety symptoms.

In this regard, Korean fans find it absurd and problematic for them to declare a boycott during the collaboration period. 

There are even articles about this...
If their accounts were really hacked, (Korean) fans want them to announce that their accounts were hacked. However, this seems like going to pass without being mentioned officially. No one knows for sure how it will turn out now. 

-Even if their accounts were really hacked, I think the best solution in this case is not to address the issue and hope it fades away... If denied, the backlash might be even worse.

-Isn't he the leader? Why is the leader acting like that?

-So annoying... Leave and keep your beliefs to yourselves, please.

-Did many international fans leave the fandom because of the Starbucks collaboration?? 

-Isn't this a breach of contract?

-If they were going to do this, why did they collaborate in the first place?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ If their accounts were really hacked, just release an official statement saying so.

-This is very irresponsible of them. Just posting those Instagram stories and nothing else. What kind of behavior is that?

-Are they trying to avoid losing international fans? Such a nuisance.

-They take money from Starbucks and then backstabbed them. Yet, they offer no explanation about it at all? Legendaryㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I really thought their accounts were hacked because I just think it doesn't make sense to boycott a brand they're collaborating with... 

-It's seriously annoying.

-Taking the advertising money, not wanting to lose followers and international fans, wanting to maintain their image, just choose one...

-Would an advertising model boycott that brand? Does that make sense?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-If their accounts were really hacked, they should explain quickly; if it's not, it's really stupid, but anyway, International fans are always causing trouble in K-pop.

-If that's what they were going to do, why did they do the collaboration...?

-If their accounts were really hacked, I'm sure they would have announced it sooner.

-SM Ent. should release a statement about this.

Continue reading There still is no official statement yet about NCT Taeyong and Renjun's Instagram stories

New Jeans 'How Sweet' Music Bank Encore Stage Fan Cam


-I love you, NewJeans. I'll always be a Bunnies who supports you❤️

-They all did great, and Danielle sounded just like the recorded versionㅋㅋㅋ It's nice to see them enjoying the encore stage.

-Why is the maknae so stiff?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Cuteㅋㅋㅋ Congrats on first place today. It’s nice to see NewJeans looking happy, and they all did well on the encore. Haerin, it's great to see you enjoying yourself on stage.

-I love you, NewJeans! These babies are so pretty and talented.

-Wow, they've all improved a lot.

-Congrats on first place, NewJeans! 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰 Let's keep going happily and joyfully.

-They did great!

-Their live performance is so goodㅋㅋㅋ

-They look happy, and that makes me happy too.

-Hani dances well and sings well too.

-Danielle’s voice sounds like it has built-in autotune. How does she do that?

-Watching them makes me happy too. It's nice to see.

-Why isn’t Hyein singing? I'm disappointed.

-They need to go on a world tour. Their live performance is amazingㅋㅋㅋ

-I knew Danielle and Hani were good, but surprisingly, Haerin sings well tooㅋㅋㅋ. It's a shame Hyein wasn't there, but they covered her parts really well.
Continue reading New Jeans 'How Sweet' Music Bank Encore Stage Fan Cam

NewJeans' Danielle often gets misunderstood for lip-syncing


Well, it's understandable. She sounds just like the recorded version in this live encore performance. 


-Dani is really good. I'm amazed every time. She sounds exactly like the recorded version.

-She sounds exactly like the recorded version.

-Yeah, sometimes when I hear other members, I can tell it's live, but with Danielle, it feels like she’s not singing because she sounds exactly like the recorded version.

-I was surprised while watchingㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, her voice is so beautiful.

-Her voice is unique. And when combined with her skill, it really sounds like lip-syncing.

-She’s a princess~~

-It sounds so much like the recording, sometimes it seems like she's not singing live. You can tell with Hanni, but not with Danielle because she’s just that good.

-Her voice is really clear.

-Her diction is so good that it sounds exactly like the recorded versionㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, it sounds just like the recorded version. No wonder her parts seem like lip-syncing, it's because she’s too good.

-Her pitch is really perfectㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She sings live so well that it causes misunderstandings.

-I thought it was lip-syncing too, but it wasn't.

-Danielle looks like a Barbie doll here...

-Wow, her voice has built-in auto-tuning. That’s a real talent.

-Her pronunciation is also excellent.

Continue reading NewJeans' Danielle often gets misunderstood for lip-syncing

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Safety concerns arise due to Byun Wooseok's popularity "This is the first time such a thing has happened"


During a recent drama wrap-up event, Yongsan CGV was bustling with excitement, and there were 700,000 people waiting for fan meeting tickets, showing how much attention Byun Wooseok is getting from netizens. Meanwhile, fans were spotted flocking to the site of Byun Wooseok's drama wrap-up interview yesterday and today.

In the past, there have been wrap-up interviews with actors, but there has never been such a crowd gathering around the interview location. Dozens of people surrounded the interview venue, and some even stood on the road, which looked risky. It seemed necessary for the agency to issue a safety notice.


-Whoa, the sasaengs are crazy.

-Wow... Those are all sasaengs?

-Seriously, don't they have anything else to do?

-It's an unofficial schedule... How did so many people find out and come there? Scary...

-These people are seriously out of their minds; they should all be arrested for stalking.

-Wow... Reveal their faces... This is crazy.

-Ew, they're like cockroaches, creepy. They all need to be sued; they're criminals.

-I heard they even went to his house, thought it was just one or two people...

-Wow, this is insane;;

-Yesterday, even reporters were surprised, saying they've never seen so many fans at an interview before.

-Why do they act like this? They're not fans if they don't consider the actor at all; it's an obsession.

-Where do they get the information about the private schedules? They must've gotten the information in an illegal way.

-They need to realize they're being obsessive and stop doing this.

-Stop covering their faces and just capture them all.

-Is he becoming the next Lee Junki?

Continue reading Safety concerns arise due to Byun Wooseok's popularity "This is the first time such a thing has happened"

NMIXX's Side, "The Sound System Incident at a University Festival was a Pre-Planned Event... The Members Didn't Know"


On the 30th, JYP Entertainment's SQU4D (4 Headquarters) side, the agency of NMIXX, officially stated, "The sound system incident that occurred during NMIXX's performance at Shinhan University Festival was an event to enhance the atmosphere of the festival." In relation to this, Shinhan University Student Council stated, "The sound system incident was a pre-planned event."

Previously, NMIXX was invited to perform at Shinhan University festival on the 27th. However, during their performance of 'DICE', an incident occurred where the MR stopped playing and NMIXX continued their live performance without MR. Through the paid communication app, Bubble, Bae stated, "I was very surprised when the music suddenly turned off". 

In response, JYP stated that it was a pre-planned event and explained, "We did not inform NMIXX members in advance to achieve a natural performance." Additionally, they apologized, "We apologize once again to the audience and fans for not considering that this event might cause confusion and discomfort. We will pay attention to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future."


-What? It was staged, not an accident? Why would they do that?

-Maybe it was a hidden camera prank for the members.

-Why would a company do a hidden camera prank on the members at an event where they're paid to perform?

-From JYP Ent.'s perspective, it's the only excuse they can give, but it's a really dumb thing they did. They would have just quietly gone along with it if the student council hadn't posted anything.

-They must have known this article would make things worse, but they had to go ahead with it anyway.

-If the student council didn't say anything, would they have stayed quiet till the end?

-But isn't this a tactic used in the industry sometimes? It's just that it got exposed this time...

-NMIXX's fans blamed the student council for not preparing the sound system properly, so they had to explain that it was stagedㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Oh, the members didn't know!

-Did JYP Ent. feel like they had to do something now that people are criticizing HYBE's idols for being talentless? It's too bad. From now on, NMIXX might get mocked for this in the future if they encounter the same incident...

-SQU4D really knows how to make things worse...

-It's really beyond embarrassing, it's humiliating.

-Oh man, they really messed up... Why did they go this far...

Continue reading NMIXX's Side, "The Sound System Incident at a University Festival was a Pre-Planned Event... The Members Didn't Know"

The 21 M KRW polaroid pictures that create buzz on Twitter

1. A Japanese record shop held an event where the top 5 buyers could take a Polaroid photo with an NCT member.
2. A fan of Haechan who made it to the top 5 spent 21 M KRW (about 16,000 USD).
3. The member in the attached Polaroid picture is Mark. But since he's also one of the most popular member of the group, it seems like that fan must've spent similar amount of money, or even more. 

Twitter Reactions:
- "With that money, you could attend fan meetings for a lifetime if you stan a different idol."
- "I didn't take the photo, so give me the 21 M KRW back!"
- "Fine, you can have him."
- "I didn't take the photo, so why don't I have 21 million KRW?"
- "You're crazy, you should have put your arm around her waist."

-Even spending hundreds on fan meetings isn't normal.

-To me, it's a waste of money.

-I'm more envious of the fact that she had that amount of money than the photo itself.

-They spent 21 million, yet the photo is so darkㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It looks like it was taken in front of a bathroomㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Well, it's their money... let them do what they want.

-That's insane...

-But the one who said that is not even the person who spent the money. That's just that fan's friend and everyone believes it...

-If it's true, they must have a lot of money. If they can spend that much on their hobby, just leave them aloneㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It must be nice to have a lot of money.

-Did they buy 21 M KRW worth of albums?

-With that amount of money, shouldn't they at least rent a studio to take the photos?

-They should've let that fan take 21 photos...

-Hey everyone, it's not confirmed, just rumors, so don't get too worked up.

-Do people really believe that?

-The event itself isn’t the problem, it’s the price...

-Wow, SM has really changed.

Continue reading The 21 M KRW polaroid pictures that create buzz on Twitter

Rankings of 7 'Lovely Runner' OSTs, which enter Melon Top 100

Sudden Shower


I Think I Did

Spring Snow

Run Run

Like a Dream

You & I

-Whoa... That's amazing.

-I knew You & I would enter the Top 100...

-You are a gift... Sent by heaven...




、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ``、ヽ`、ヽヽ ዽ ヽ`

-This is understandable since all of these songs are really good with no exceptions.

-That's amazingㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-ECLIPSE's songs are all really good. Please check them outㅠㅠㅠ

-Let's listen to No Fate too...!!

-That's insaneㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I've been listening to Sudden Shower, Run Run, and Star non-stop...

-If they can't perform this at MCountdown, I hope they'll perform this at year-end award ceremonies~💛💙

-I've always believed in You & I!!!

-I really like Star...

-If only the drama aired for a few more weeks, these songs would've gotten way higher rankings...

-Hul... I'm currently listening to You & I as we speak...ㅋㅋㅋ

-I Think I Did was an N.Flying's song...???

Continue reading Rankings of 7 'Lovely Runner' OSTs, which enter Melon Top 100

'Lovely Runner' Director Yoon Jongho and Byun Wooseok hugs for pictures


-So cuteㅠㅠㅠ

-I can feel the affection through the picturesㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The director is also very handsome... They somehow have similar builds...

-So heart-warming... Byun Wooseok is so freaking handsome

-Full of love💕

-This is so cute and heart-warmingㅠㅠㅠ

-I think they look kinda similar, just like cousinsㅋㅋㅋ They seem to be very sweet...

-In the behind-the-scenes, the director calls Byun Wooseok as 'Sunjae hyung'ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Director-nim, are you Sol?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-If you watch the behind-the-scenes, the staff call him and Song Gunhee as 'Sunjae hyung' and 'Taesung hyung'

-The fact that Byun Wooseok can hug a grown-up man so affectionately is really impressive...

-It's like the director is saying, 'You can't hug Byun Wooseok, can you?'ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Director-nim, you're the bestㅠㅠ👍🏻👍🏻

Continue reading 'Lovely Runner' Director Yoon Jongho and Byun Wooseok hugs for pictures

A fan spent $16,000 to take this picture

I wonder if it's true...? I converted it and it equals to 20M KRW

-Wow... That's insane. Is that Mark?

-Who's the girl??
 ㄴI think she's just a wealthy fan of Mark. There's a thing where fans can take a picture one on one with the member, with the pose as the fan wants, during a fan event.

-What is this? Where was this taken??

-What's this about? If you pay money, do you get to take a picture one-on-one?

-I heard that it's quite expensiveㅋㅋㅋ The event was held in Japan, no wonder why it cost her that much as she's a foreignerㅋㅋㅋ Besides, they're not just picking 30-50 people. They only picked 6-7 people to take picture one-on-one.

-It's surprising that physical contact is allowed to that extent.. From what I've seen from the reviews of the photo sessions so far, it seemed like at most it was just a creating a heart pose with hands
 ㄴIt might be because of the angle. It doesn't seem like there's any physical contact.

-I saw other photos from that day, and it seems like another fan took a photo with Mark with a pose that's similar to a back hugㅋㅋㅋ

-They don't even let you hold the members' hands at fan signings, so it's surprising that they allow this, it's bewildering

-Is a single photo worth 20 million KRW..? Well, I mean it may be, especially if it's your favorite idol..? But still, 20 million KRW... Hmm...

-A Polaroid photo worth 20 million KRW..

-Wow, the poses are a bit too much

-Wow, I'm jealous
Continue reading A fan spent $16,000 to take this picture

I'm not lying, Julie's waist size is the same as my thigh



-She's awesome.

-I want to marry her.

-Her body looks like the type of body you usually see in Manhwas, for real.

-She's 1/5 of me...

-Her waist looks almost as thin as my right arm.

-Huh? Where did her organs go? Where are her ribs???

-Julie, marry me.

-I'm so envious.

-Wow, how is her waist like that?? Seriously looks like you could grip it with both hands, amazing.

-Julie, date me.

-Julie, be my girl right now.
Continue reading I'm not lying, Julie's waist size is the same as my thigh

Guys, look at Blackpink members' bodies

 I thought they were Barbie...

-I have never seen any of them gain weight...

-I bet there are no outfits they don't look good in. It must be nice.

-The fact that they all have small faces still fascinates me... How is it possible for all of them have small faces?

-Wow... It's almost been 10 years since they debuted and they've maintained their figures so flawlessly. It's seriously impressive. 

-I still can't believe that Lisa is not even 170cm tall. How can her proportions be that perfect?

-They're not skinny. They all have firm and lean bodies, which is why they all look so pretty.

-It's amazing how they're skinny, but don't look frail at all. They look incredibly hot. 

-They're legends for real... It's a shame there aren't more songs, I wish they released more.

-Self-care at its best.

-They're beautiful indeed.

-I'm so envious of them. To live like that, you need to be lucky from birth.

-It would be insane to see Lisa in person.
Continue reading Guys, look at Blackpink members' bodies

What is your favorite wedding dress from recent dramas?

 1. Kim Jiwon's dress in Queen of Tears

2. Kim Yoojung's dress in My Demon

3. Lee Seyoung's dress in The Story of Park's Marriage Contract

4. Yoona's dress in King The Land

5. Park Minyoung's dress in Marry My Husband

6. Cheon Woohee's dress in The Atypical Family

7. Kim Hyeyoon's dress in Lovely Runner


-22. Yoojung is so pretty.


-I think the strapless ones look better. 


-7. I can't help but admire how beautiful the wedding dress looks. The tiara headband is also very pretty

-2 and 3

-3 looks so much prettier in videos.

-3. It was so freaking beautiful, even the tiara looks perfectㅋㅋㅋ

-7 was really breathtaking.

-6. That wedding dress really suits an outdoor wedding party.

-3 and 7

-I really want to wear wedding dresses like 6 and 7

-Judging from the dress only, 3.

-I don't know much about wedding dresses, but Yoojung looks gorgeous.

-6 suits Cheon Woohee really well. It's really elegant and beautiful.

Continue reading What is your favorite wedding dress from recent dramas?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Aespa dominating both domestic and international music charts

They set new records for hourly and daily user counts in Melon this year


Hourly unique listeners of 76,000 

This is the first song to have surpassed 70,000 hourly unique listeners this year

Daily unique listeners of 470,000

The songs that have surpassed 400,000 daily unique listeners this year are SPOT (410K-ish) and Supernova (470K-ish). 

Rank #1 in all music streaming sites

As of 9AM today, they achieved their 101st PAK

Their rankings on Spotify today:

#44 Supernova

#55 Armageddon 


-It's like they're back in their prime. Impressive.

-Armageddon is so addictive... I used to think it was worse than Supernova when I first heard it, but now it's stuck in my head. I end up staying up late listening to Armageddon on repeat. It's addictive.

-Personally, I like Armageddon more than Supernova.

-Congratulations! I really like both the song and the MV this time.

-The song is amazing and the MV looks like a movie, it was really well-made. 

-I love their song...

-I really like Armageddonㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-I listened to Armageddon for 3 hours straight as I worked overtime todayㅋㅋㅋ I freaking love it

-I really like Armageddon. The more I listen to it, the more addictive it gets. 

-Supernova is like the new Next Level and Armageddon is like the new Drama. No wonder it's receiving positive reactions both domestically and internationally. 

-International fans seem to really love these songsㅎㅎㅎ 
Continue reading Aespa dominating both domestic and international music charts

A Korean cosmetic brand becomes a hot issue overseas after releasing foundation with dark shades



Fyi, this is Youthforia's foundation that received a lot of criticism overseas

-Wow, nicely done. If we want to conquer the global market, we need to pay attention to these things too.

-This seems like a good way to break through the global market.

-Showing the power of K-beauty!

-Don't foreign brands have dark-colored cushions?

-It's my first time hearing about that brand. Is it a famous brand?

-It fits her shade perfectly. It seems like Tirtir did a lot of research.

-I knew Korean cosmetics are really famous overseas, but I never realized that they only suit Asians. This brand is really impressive for doing this.

-Wow, it's the first time I've seen a cushion with such a broad range of shade.

-I'm tempted to buy that cushion too... 

-Why don't foreign countries use cushions as much as we do?? I knew cushions were developed by K-Beauty, I'm just curious why foreigners don't use it much.

-This is the cushion I was recommended to by Sephora when my skin got tanned. I bought it. The brand had a broad range of shade, so I thought it was a foreign brand.

-The reason Westerners don't use cushions much is simply because it doesn't match their needs... They prefer a matte complexion.

-Oh, I realize that foreigners don't really use cushions much. With this broad range of shade, cushions could definitely be globally marketed.

Continue reading A Korean cosmetic brand becomes a hot issue overseas after releasing foundation with dark shades

Help me overcome this with 'Wonyoung-istic Thinking'



-Do you really think that's possible?

-I don't think even Wonyoung can see the positive side of this...

-'Ah... It was about time to clean the floor anyway. Lucky Vicky~'

-Even Wonyoung would've given up.

-'Oh my! Thanks to this incident, I can maintain my diet!'

-'Wow!! I finally got some content to upload!! Lucky Vicky!

-'Fortunately, I didn't spill it all~ I still get to eat the remaining of it'

-'I made all this chaos and yet nothing's broken. I may be a klutz, but I'm lucky~'

-'Wow~~ My room is now filled with cherry blossoms~ So lucky~'

-'It feels like it's snowing in the middle of summer. Quite romantic, isn't it?'

-'I made too much tofu stew. It's fortunate that there's some left~ If I had finished it all, there would've been too much. I'm so lucky that there's just enough tofu stew left to enjoy and I get to clean up while savoring the scent of tofu stew. Lucky Vicky~'

-'If I had eaten this, my face would've swollen tomorrow. Lucky Vicky~ I'll just starve today, hehe'

-'What the fxck~'

-I'm so lucky it's not my house..

Continue reading Help me overcome this with 'Wonyoung-istic Thinking'

Video of IVE Ahn Yujin dancing to 'Nobody' at a talent show 16 years ago surface online



Since 'Nobody' came out in 2008, she might have been around 6 years in this videoㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Look at the expression and toesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Totally K-pop material

-Oh, she's so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ But meanwhile, she's really tallㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Her expression is so professional ㅋㅋㅋ

-I really want to squish her cheeks, how cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-This doesn't make sense, she was just a baby when Nobody came out...

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So cute.

-No way, she was that small when Nobody came outㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She grew up so wellㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Look at those long arms and legs ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Her arms are so long ㄷㄷ

-So cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Even when she was young, she was already tallㅋㅋ

-She's been an idol since she was bornㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She's so cute that I can't stop smiling, seriously, I'm going crazy, Yujinㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She was really tall and slim for a 6 years oldㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-But seriously, was she this small when Nobody came out?ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜShe's so young.

-Even at this age, her movements were already preciseㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-16 years... ago...?
Continue reading Video of IVE Ahn Yujin dancing to 'Nobody' at a talent show 16 years ago surface online

Actress Nam Bora's Recent Whereabouts


I bought a car! 💕

There's a childcare center where I have been giving monthly birthday presents for two years now. Last May, I found out that the kids there were using an old van that was 20 years old. So, I worked hard and saved up for a year, and this May, I gifted them a brand-new van.

Both the teachers and the kids really liked it, which makes me feel proud and happy😄

Now, I feel relieved that the kids can safely ride a bigger and cleaner car☺️

I heard they're planning a summer retreat to Gangwon Province, I hope they'll make lots of happy memories traveling around in the future 🥰💕

I'm grateful to God for giving us the opportunity to share like this, and I'm genuinely happy that I could share such great joy together💖

🚐 #ChildcareCenter #SharingLove #HappyMoments #Donation #GoodDeedOfTheYear

🏡 For sponsorship inquiries: Kyemyeongwon (6-41, Ganghwanam-ro 518beon-gil, Yangdo-myeon, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon / ☎️ 032-937-1755)


-So cool!


-Wow, that's awesome👏👏👏👏👏

-Wow, impressive, and judging from the caption, it seems like she's a truly religious person... 

-Wow, that's truly impressive.

-She's such a good person...

-Isn't she that actress who has a lot of younger siblings?

-She's truly an angel...

-Wow... She's really admirable...

-I wish her all the best. I hope she will appear in more dramas now.

-I'm always cheering for Bora👏

-How can a person be so angelicㅠ👍👏👏👏

-Nam Bora consistently does volunteer work and even adopted stray dogs. She's an angel, truly an angel.

-I hope a lot of good things come her way!!

-Impressive, may she be blessed with happiness~

Continue reading Actress Nam Bora's Recent Whereabouts

Details of New Jeans x Petra Collins Collaboration Revealed


Magazine photoshoot

The rise of Dark Jeans is coming✊️✊️✊️

+Individual shoots

-Wow, Haerin is stunning.

-I want to see them rocking the Dark Jeans concept properly later...

-Damn, it's so goodㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Crazy, bring on the Dark Jeans.

-Wow, I really love it. Please, come back with this concept even if it's just for once.

-Minji's vibe is no joke

-The vibe is insane.

-They look like Slytherin students from Harry Potter ㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, the outfits are so pretty.

-Dark Jeansㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Please, promote with this concept.

-Wow, it's mesmerizing.

-The concept is so good.

-What's this again? New Jeans does a lot of collaborationsㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Please use this concept for the next comeback... It's so good

-Does Hyein have no solo shots? Is it just her and Haerin? That's all?

-Is this a photoshoot??? The concept is insane.
Continue reading Details of New Jeans x Petra Collins Collaboration Revealed