
Tuesday, August 13, 2024





-Congratulations on your debut, Harami~~~

-The video is really well madeㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She sounds like a baby. How old is she?

-Wow, this video is really well done. I learned everything about the new member, from their special skills to their profile.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋThe video is so cute

-So cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Is she the maknae? She looks like she's the maknaeㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She has a really cute voiceㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I really enjoyed watching this video. This company has really great ideas.

-So cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ I looked it up after watching this video, she's 18.

-Harami grew up a lot...

-Ah... So she's the main vocalist. She's adorableㅋㅋㅋ

-So adorable... Harami grew up so well. I'm looking forward to her singing. 

-She looks so cuteㅋㅋㅋ So lovely

Continue reading We are FIFTY FIFTY "HANA"

BTS Suga's Another Lie ... Intoxication Test Conducted on Sidewalk, Not in Front of His Home


by Journalist Lee Seunghoon


 Suga’s lies have been exposed once again. On the 13th, Yonhap News TV revealed CCTV footage of Suga's drunk driving incident through an exclusive report titled “BTS’s Suga Drunk and Driving on Sidewalk… Accident Captured on CCTV.”

The CCTV footage shows Suga, on an electric scooter, riding on the sidewalk of a street in Hannam-dong, Yongsan District, Seoul, around 11:10 PM on the 6th. Suga then crashes into a curb and falls over, after which he is found by patrolling police officers and subjected to a breathalyzer test on the scene. His blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was 0.227%, indicating severe intoxication, which is far higher than the standard for revocation of license of 0.08%.

Previously, on the 7th, Suga had posted on the fan community platform Weverse, stating, “After drinking at a dinner party last night, I rode an electric kickboard home. I did not realize that electric kickboards cannot be used under intoxication and violated traffic laws. I fell over while stopping the kickboard in front of my house, and since there were police officers around, they conducted a breathalyzer test, which resulted in license revocation and a fine.”

However, according to CCTV footage released by JTBC on the same day, Suga was riding an electric scooter, not an electric kickboard, on the road in Hannam-dong. Suga, who attempted to downplay the incident by calling the electric scooter a kickboard, was embroiled in another controversy over his lies as the second CCTV showed him undergoing the intoxication test on the sidewalk, not in front of his home.

When discovered by the police, Suga reportedly stated that he “had a beer and drove briefly.”

If his BAC exceeds 0.2%, he will be subject to aggravated punishment. And if he was found guilty, he has the potential to be sentenced to imprisonment from 2 to 5 years or a fine of up to 20 million won.


-He still hasn’t left his group? Just retire already, I’m so sick of this.

-He should retire.

-Is he homeless or what?

-Maybe because of his past scandals, he thinks he can just lie and get away with it.


-Pathetic... If he had just apologized honestly from the start, it wouldn’t have been this bad.

-He should just retire; it’s too serious.

-He should have just said he was completely drunk and didn’t remember. Making a half-hearted lie in the apology only leads to more criticism.

-Given that there’s been no action so far, it seems like he’s just going to drag it out and stays in his group.

-Really the worst.

-Typical of HYBE.

-Caught red-handed.

-I didn't realize it was this bad.

-What a funny guy.

-The problem is the lies.

Continue reading BTS Suga's Another Lie ... Intoxication Test Conducted on Sidewalk, Not in Front of His Home

Former ADOR Employee: "Min Heejin's Deception is Infuriating"

by Journalist Jang Inyoung


 B shared her reaction to Min Heejin's statement posted on social media, recalling how they missed the initial storm of posts. "I didn’t see Min Heejin's Instagram story in real time. I came home late after working overtime and went to bed without checking my phone. I wasn't even following Min Heejin, so I found out about it from messages from others. They told me to see if I gave her permission to post the Kakao Talk messages she posted and whether the content of the messages seemed off."

"I spent the entire morning stressed and crying. I had affection for both Min Heejin and the ADOR organization. I enjoyed ironing Min Heejin's training clothes when we were on business trips. I was even pleased to help with various tasks at the 'Golden Disc Awards' event. I felt proud to be able to help Min Heejin and worked sincerely for years. However, it’s upsetting how a single comment from her turned me into a mad person and how she trampled on me. While Min Heejin makes every effort to protect her career and insists that illegal messages are unacceptable, does that mean such things are an exception for me? I was genuinely moved to tears."

Earlier, when Min Heejin was criticized for siding with A and ignoring the victim, B, during the ADOR sexual harassment case, she claimed this was a "distortion." She also said her involvement and mediation led to a resolution of the case, which B found offensive.

B stated, "From my perspective, it is unreasonable for her to call it 'mediation' in the first place. The mediation between A and me happened only after I left and sent Min Heejin a message. The term 'attempt' is more accurate. Although she made efforts, when the incident (the sexual harassment the executive did) occurred, Min Heejin protected the executive and influenced the internal investigation."

A media outlet revealed a chat room where Min Heejin and A exchanged derogatory remarks targeting B, which caused controversy. B commented, "It is true that they made insults directed at me and talked about me behind my back. It’s clear that Min Heejin defended A and influenced the internal investigation. In order to neutralize my report, I gathered evidence and protested to HYBE. Min Heejin was far from a mediator."

B added, "I'm really upset about the Kakao Talk messages she posted. It shows how Min Heejin usually talks in real life. While she doesn’t curse in front of employees, she often uses such language when gossiping about third parties."

After investigating B's report, HYBE concluded that (sexual harassment) complaint that was "difficult to determine if it reached the level of disciplinary action." However, they recommended Min Heejin give a "stern warning" to A since his actions were inappropriate. This is also mentioned in B’s statement.

B explained, "HYBE recommended a 'stern warning' for A, which is within Min Heejin's authority. However Min Heejin rejected this, even refusing to warn A." B rejected A's offer of a new position, saying, "Facing the perpetrator was too difficult. It was a position I had no choice but to refuse."

Regarding the claim that Min Heejin cleared up misunderstandings with A, B said, "For office workers, it's rare to refuse reconciliation when a boss and representative ask. It’s upsetting and disheartening that Min Heejin distorted these issues in her explanation."

Realizing that the investigation into the sexual harassment case had not been conducted properly since she left ADOR, B said, "When the conflict between HYBE and Min Heejin resurfaced in April, I was the subject of the investigation because I was a former ADOR employee who had worked closely with the management. I was shocked to learn that the process of handling the report was unfair and that it was not even properly investigated, and that Min Heejin even gossiped about me. I wanted to live quietly and thought that even if it was publicized, it would only result in an apology from the two parties. It was out of loyalty to the ADOR organization, Min Heejin, and A."


-As an employee myself, this is really heartbreaking.

-Stay strongㅠㅠㅠ

-Turns out that Min Heejin is like HYBE to someone...

-Ah.. She didn’t think of them as colleagues.. and didn’t care for them as a superior or representative.. cursing at artists and employees... what kind of person is this;;

-Wow... I hope the victim stays strong.

-Poor victim... It’s tragic.

-If she had apologized to the victim from the start, it would have been fine, but instead, she’s talking about irrelevant matters.

-I hope the victim will receive a proper apology.

-It seems Min Heejin is totally siding with A (the perpetrator)...

-I hope the victim stays strong and gets the results she wishes for.

-It's really heartbreaking to hear this.

-I hope the victim gets through this and finds peace.

-Min Heejin’s attitude is really bad.

-No matter what, the fact that Min Heejin cursed at employees and artists is unforgivable.

-So heartbreaking... Please stay strong.

Continue reading Former ADOR Employee: "Min Heejin's Deception is Infuriating"

Min Heejin Remains Silent on Harassment Cover-Up Controversy for 6 Days Despite Victim’s Disclosure

Min Heejin, CEO of ADOR, has maintained silence for six days amid ongoing controversy over allegations of covering up a sexual harassment incident within the company, despite the victim’s revelations.

On August 8, B, a former ADOR employee, disclosed on their personal account that Min Heejin’s statement posted on July 31 included derogatory terms like "bitch" and "mentally ill" to refer to B, who was mentioned as a victim in the context of the harassment and Min Heejin’s attempts to cover it up.

B stated, "Min Heejin, who has shielded the perpetrator, A, and created chaos with insults and verbal abuse against lower-level employees, has used the pretext of revealing her grievances to publicly disclose the former employee's private messages without consent or understanding. It’s unacceptable that Min Heejin continues to spread falsehoods, claiming that the target of her insults was not me and that the messages were edited."

B also claimed, "I heard that Min Heejin even refused to take stern action against A. I recently learned that from the day I reported the issue, Min Heejin actively claimed A’s innocence throughout the investigation and subjected me to extreme insults like ‘crazy bitch’ and ‘insulted life.’ It’s disheartening as a loyal employee to be portrayed as someone who ‘is so bad at work,' 'whines and causes trouble,' and 'left the company before getting fired' just to invalidate my complaint. Min Heejin shared the complaint details with A in real time, proposed and reviewed A’s objections, and was thoroughly aligned with the perpetrator."

B has urged for a sincere apology from Min Heejin and A, but Min Heejin has remained silent for the past six days. Attention is now focused on whether Min Heejin will provide a second official statement before her scheduled appearance at the '2024 Hyundai Card DaVinci Motel' talk event in Itaewon, Seoul on September 27.

-It’s chilling to see someone who pretended to be a victim behaving the same way towards their employees...

-Isn’t this more than just a matter of an apology?

-There are still a lot of comments about Min Heejin and HYBE, but there’s barely any interest in this issue... The selective blindness is really severe.

-It’s hilarious how someone who used to fiercely argue is now staying silent. It’s so funny.

-It’s really funny how people who defended Min Heejin and supported her are now pretending they didn’t see this news. Hilarious.

-I’m not interested in the HYBE and Min Heejin conflict. What I find most unfortunate is that a powerless woman had to leave the company without properly expressing her grievances about the injustice she suffered.

-I’m shocked by people’s reactions. Why is there so little interest in this matter? Isn’t this exactly a case where a company representative is mistreating a powerless female employee?

-Why is it only quiet at times like this?

-It’s funny how quiet it is here.
Continue reading Min Heejin Remains Silent on Harassment Cover-Up Controversy for 6 Days Despite Victim’s Disclosure

Former ADOR Employee's Instagram Update

Summary of reactions I received after posting my statement.

1. The executive: apologized with one long text on Kakao Talk
2. HYBE: apologized and promised to re-investigate through DM
3. Min Heejin: 'You weren't even that good at doing your job, are you HYBE?' sent 77 messages on Kakao Talk + current statement

B posted this Instagram story at 11.03 PM

-If the executive apologized, that means they acknowledged it was true. What is Min Heejin even doing…?

-Even after all this, Min’s supporters will still find excuses and cheer for her.

-HYBE was right from the beginning.

-The third one is the worst.

-The executive apologized, so why is Min Heejin acting like this? Is it so hard to apologize when you’ve done something wrong?

-The person involved acknowledged it and even apologized, so what’s Min Heejin doing?

-Min Heejin is the worst…

-She’s handling this worse than HYBE.

-She’s becoming as bad as those she once criticized

-I knew something was off when she started working with a shaman from the beginning. People were praising her just because she was against HYBE...
Continue reading Former ADOR Employee's Instagram Update

Fans fight for the center spot in the audience to film TripleS

We ask for the understanding of fans who requested the edited re-upload as it will be uploaded separately after editing. 

Today's performance will not have a replay available. 

Because of this incident, MBC is not posting the replay.

-What’s wrong with them?

-Why are they acting like this??? They could just sit and film.

-Crazy, they went too far.

-But do you think the singers feel good about their fans acting like that? Wouldn’t they be embarrassed?

-I genuinely want to study the brain structure of these people.

-They should invest in better lenses. Did they bring just the basic kit lens? Why on earth would they get that close?

-I’ve never seen anything like this before;;

-What’s wrong with them;;

-Wow, really embarrassing.

-I really hope they get banned from future events.

-I hope the singers get angry about this so the company will take action.
Continue reading Fans fight for the center spot in the audience to film TripleS

MZ generation doesn't feel the need for a car

"I have no intention of getting a license" ... Empty Driving Schools. 
Annual enrollment drops by more than 20%. 

Song Jinseok (Director of a specialized driving school): Enrollment has been decreasing by over 20% every year, making it very difficult to run the school. We've had to restructure and lay off instructors. 

Status of Driving Schools Nationwide
-541 in 2005
-469 in 2010
-418 in 2015
-380 in 2020
-356 in 2023

Status of Driver's Licenses Issued
-1,071,701 in 2021
-968,143 in 2022
-885,171 in 2023

Ahn Juseok (Secretary General of the Specialized Driving Schools Association): The biggest reason why driving schools are closing, especially in rural areas, is population decline. 

Lee Sangah: I've considered getting a driver's license, but the tuition is too expensive for me to cover, so I haven't gotten it yet. 

Yeo Sangsoo: I'm already busy paying rent, and if I add a car, the maintenance costs would be too much. It's easier to just use public transportation since transfers are convenient these days. 

-If you can handle the cost of the car, insurance, fines, parking, accidents, fuel, taxes, regular inspections, and even scrapping the car, then go ahead and buy one.

-You don't need a car in Seoul, but it's a different story in the countryside where there are fewer young people. With high living costs in the metropolitan area and low wages, who would spend on car maintenance unless it's for show? Plus, with more people staying single and young people entering the workforce later, you see 30-something unemployed people around, so who’s really driving?

-I live in Busan, and even though I have a car, I can get almost everywhere using public transportation, so I hardly ever drive. In places with good public transit, it makes sense to not feel the need for a car. Plus, considering the environment, it's probably the better direction.

-In the countryside, it’s impossible to live without one. Once you start working, you realize you need a car.

-You do need a car in the countryside, but the driving school fees are seriously too expensive... It costs 800,000 won, and if you fail the practical or road test, you have to pay extra for each retake (and you usually need to take them at least twice). It was so expensive that I just hurried and got my license all at once to avoid my parents' nagging.

-In Seoul, maybe not, but in the countryside, it's essential. Even public enterprises are located deep in the mountains—how else are you supposed to get there?

-I have a car and a license, but I haven't driven for over ten years because I'm too scared.

-Could it be due to the declining population?

-You really don't need a car in Seoul. It's hard to find a parking spot, I don’t take my car out on my days off.

-In Seoul, maybe not, but in the countryside, it's different. You need a car not only for daily life but also for job prospects.

-I have a license, but I don't see the need to drive. I live in the Seoul metropolitan area, and there's a subway station right in front of my house. I love how I can predict travel times without worrying about road conditions. I don't want to waste money and energy maintaining a car. If I'm tired, I can just take a taxi, and if I ever really need a car, I'll drive then.

-I got my license, but maintaining a car is too expensive and a hassle, so it’s just been sitting there unused for years...

-If I lived in Seoul, I probably wouldn't have gotten a license. But since I live in the countryside, I need to drive to go on business trips or commute.

-The cost of maintaining a car is beyond my ability to afford.
Continue reading MZ generation doesn't feel the need for a car